62 jobs at City of Edmonton. Do you have questions about the Compensation Disclosure List? Nearby homes similar to 2100 Dawson Ave NE have recently sold between $225K to $225K at an average of $190 per square foot. If management jobs can be reclassified due to market comparisons, the same principle should apply to all city jobs, including female-dominated jobs in CSU 52. Not everyone on the list has left their positions. Previous Compensation Disclosure Reports. Information on property taxes, garbage, recycling, & green cart and more. Jim Ellis, president of the Alberta Energy Regulator, earned $570,640 in salary and $121,761 in non-taxable benefits for total earnings of $692,401 last year. 2019 Compensation Report. The survey determined City of Edmonton management positions are paid more than the market median for comparable management positions. It should also be noted that not all compensation listed is attributable to her duties at AHS, as she also performed duties for the University of Alberta during this period. The following are the fully-taxable annual salaries for members of Council: Members of Council are provided with a Health Care Spending Account in the amount of $3,600 per year. Members of Council receive a vehicle allowance to offset transportation costs associated with fulfilling their duties within the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region. Services and information. According to salary information released Friday, David Erickson, former president and chief executive officer of the Alberta Electric System Operator, was the top earner last year, with a base salary of $925,997 and benefits of $11,535, which added up to $937,532 in total compensation. More ratings for Dr. Bidniak Dr. Jerome, Edmonton - Rating: 5. Human Services. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. The Alberta government's Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act (2015) requires that the University of Alberta disclose the name, position, compensation, non-monetary benefits and severance for all employees whose total compensation plus severance exceeds an annual threshold. These data are licenced under the Open Government Licence - Alberta: Compensation: Income plus taxable benefits paid to a member or employee. Find government employee salary and severance information above the annual threshold. In addition, management salaries for all City organizations (i.e. $38.70-$48.35 an hour. Audience Relations, CBC P.O. She was included as part of both AHS and the University of Albertas required disclosures in the interest of transparency. Construction Incentive Program and Similar Products and . 2020 Council Compensation Review Final Report, 2017 Council Compensation Review Final Report, 2012/2013 Council Compensation Review Final Report, 2006 Council Compensation Review Final Report, 1999/2000 Council Compensation Review Final Report, 3rd floor, City Hall Members of Council are provided with parking permits for reserved stalls in City Hall. 2024 Comprehensive Plan Updates. Relaxin is a hormone secreted by the placenta in the final stages of pregnancy to ripen the neck of the uterus (cervix) and prepare it for . Final reports from each committee are available below. CSPO (Former Employee) - Edmonton, AB - 18 August 2022. Once enrolled in the plan, the Member of Council may not withdraw from the plan until the conclusion of their service. Some of the highest paid public sector employees in 2018 left their positions over the past year at the same timea new pay grid was phased infor Alberta post-secondary presidents and senior staff of agencies, boards and commissions. Employment and/or severance contracts for: Designated executives under the Reform of Agencies, Boards and Commissions Compensation Regulation, Designated executives under the Reform of Agencies, Boards and Commissions (Post-Secondary Institutions) Compensation Regulation, The Chief Executive Officer of Alberta Health Services, The Chief Executive Officer of the Alberta Electric System Operator. Participation in the plan is voluntary and optional. The survey focused on key municipal comparisons from across Canada and used the 50th percentile (or market median), where numbers of incumbents were available. View monthly expense reports here: ThePublic Sector Compensation Transparency Actrequires all public sector bodies (agencies, boards and commissions) to post online the compensation paid to all board members and the compensation paid to employees who, in the calendar year 2017, earned more than$127,765. Public Sector Body disclosure is separate from disclosure for Government of Alberta employees. Guide to understanding Albertas electricity market, Fort McMurray West 500 kV Transmission Project, Fort McMurray East 500 kV Transmission Project, Previous loss factors and calibration factors, Need Overview: City of Edmonton Transmission Reinforcement, Abbreviated Needs Approval Process: Notice of Approval for the Big Sky Solar Project Connection, Need Overview: Prominence Solar Project Connection, Automated Dispatch and Message System (ADaMS) tools, Micro- and Small Distributed Generation Reporting, AESO Application Programming Interface (API), Jan. 16, 2023: New Asset eReserve5 Hughenden (ERV5) Notice, Dec. 9, 2022: New Asset Chappice Lake (CHP1) Notice, Dec. 9, 2022: New Asset Barlow Solar (BLS1) Notice, Consolidated Authoritative Document Glossary, Requests for Information, Waivers or Variances Regarding Authoritative Documents, Rules, Standards and Tariff Consultations, Jan. 19, 2023: In-person Registration Due | Energy Storage Rule Amendments, Jan. 20, 2023: Comments Due | 2023 LTO Scope & Input Assumptions, Forecasting Insights, Jan. 24, 2023: Comments Due | Section 202.6 Amended ID #2012-006R, We plan, consult and report on our operations to advance the provinces electricity system and bring value to Albertans. Other high earners include: David Linder, executive director of the Alberta Securities Commission ($461,248 salary, $133,530 in non-taxable benefits, total compensation of $594,778); Randall Morck, professor at the University of Alberta ($529,927 salary, $51,584 non-taxable benefits, total compensation of $581,511); and Wendy Gosse, vice-president of the Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta ($478,444 salary, $110,135 non-taxable benefits, total compensation of $588,578). It is also possible some management jobs are incorrectly classified. Learn about the City of Brandon's Fire, Police, Enhanced 911 and Emergency Preparedness sections. The former NDP government revamped the salaries paid to executives of agencies, boards and commissions, which included the presidents of post-secondary institutions. The survey used a standard methodology and verifiable data from a wide variety of sources (i.e. The pandemic changed work. 2021 Compensation Disclosure Report(318 KB), 2020 Compensation Disclosure Report(284 KB), 2019 Compensation Disclosure Report(264 KB), 2018 Compensation Disclosure Report(461 KB), 2017 Compensation Disclosure Report(215 KB), 2016 Compensation Disclosure Report(203 KB), 2015 Compensation Disclosure Report(3.31 MB), 2014 Compensation Disclosure Report(841 KB), 2013 Compensation Disclosure Report(146 KB), 2012 Compensation Disclosure Report(3.65 MB), 2011 Compensation Disclosure Report(2.72 MB), 2010 Compensation Disclosure Report(2.62 MB), 2009 Compensation Disclosure Report(4.06 MB), 2008 Compensation Disclosure Report(2.40 MB), Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5pm This method is based on the recommendations of the Independent Council Compensation Committee. He states that he is running for Alderman because St. Louis has a lot of work to do and the City needs an alderperson that is responsive, proactive, knowledgeable, and hard-working. View, 2021 AESO Corporate Governance and Financial Results, 2020 Corporate Governance and Financial Results, 2019 Corporate Governance and Financial Results, 2018 Corporate Governance and Financial Results, 2022 - January / February Expense Summary, 2021 - January / February Expense Summary, 2021 - September / October Expense Summary, 2021 - November / December Expense Summary, 2020 - January / February Expense Summary, 2020 - September / October Expense Summary, 2020 - November / December Expense Summary, 2019 - January / February Expense Summary, 2019 - September / October Expense Summary, 2019 - November / December Expense Summary, 2018 - January / February Expense Summary, 2018 - September / October Expense Summary, 2018 - November / December Expense Summary, 2017 - January / February Expense Summary, 2017 - September / October Expense Summary, 2017 - November / December Expense Summary. Health Care Spending Account plans are used to cover expenses not covered under other health plans. The city of Calgary released its first annual compensation disclosure list on Wednesday, detailing position titles, salary ranges and general information about pensions and benefits of its staff. the added salary and benefit costs for management and union jobs). Alberta Health Services is committed to transparency and has complied with legislation to disclose compensation for employees receiving over the 2022 threshold amount of $141,183 in compensation as outlined in the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act. Alberta Innovates is committed to the transparency of its operations. This disclosure is pursuant to Section 54A of the Halifax Regional Municipality Charter and Administrative Order 2015-006 Respecting . Calgary; Alberta; Salaries & Wages; Calgary Business Twitter. December 31 - severance from January 1 to . City Employee Compensation Report. To get answers to questions, use Alberta Connects. For management jobs, a zero percent increase is erroneous and misleading. The act requires organizations that receive public funding from the Province of Ontario to make public, by March 31 each year, the names, positions, salaries and total taxable benefits of employees paid $100,000 or more in the . This is a duplicate disclosure by both organizations for the same compensation and is not cumulative. Public sector bodies are required to post online the names and amount of compensation and severance paid to employees who earn more than the thresholdamount for that disclosure period. Twelve percent of the Member of Councils annual salary is contributed by the City of Edmonton. The pay system has a flexible design necessary to meet changing conditions. Compensation Disclosure Reports. Ellis left the AER at the end of January. These reports are prepared in order for the City of Brandon to meet the requirements of Section 2 of the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act and as a result, the report may not be suitable for another purpose. We also acknowledge the many Indigenous communities that have been forged in urban centres across Alberta. You will NOT receive a reply on your feedback. The Code of Conduct came into effect on June 26, 2018. Compensation disclosure for government employees, compensation disclosure exemption policy and how to apply for an exemption, Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, Public Sector Compensation Transparency Dissolved Public Sector Bodies Regulation, Public Sector Compensation Transparency General Regulation, Public sector body compensation disclosure and requirements, June 30 salary and severance from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year, December 31 severance from January 1 to June 30 of the current calendar year, senior officials appointed by an Order in Council and paid by the Government of Alberta, employees within the offices of a minister, associate minister or the Premier. Reducing their hours of work to 35.0 hours per week from would save an estimated $1.5 million in salary. Questions regarding this disclosure list should be directed stakeholder.relations@aeso.ca. Alberta's 3,307 staffers made the Sunshine List, earning total compensation of in 2017. Please choose between the following three options: The breadcrumb trail links represent the path to the current page relative to the homepage link. "My issue with the sunshine list is attaching names to salaries that creates a lot of unnecessary . [emailprotected] The data can be sorted by clicking on the column titles. Our strategic direction to make Edmonton a healthy, urban, climate resilient city that supports a prosperous region. the Provincial Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act. e.g. Information about the City of Brandon such as, employment and information for newcomers. CITY OF EDMOND, OKLAHOMA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT AND ACCOMPANYING INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS i Page INTRODUCTION SECTION: Letter of Transmittal 1-4 List of Principal Officials 5 City Governmental Organization Chart 6 3rd floor, City Hall All rights reserved. Labourer II. This Committee is responsible for making recommendations . AHS executive team and former board salaries and total severance information are also disclosed as part of our annual audited AHS consolidated financial statements. Dr. Yiu was appointed AHS President & Chief Executive Officer on June 3, 2016. Information on licenses/permits, economic development, purchasing & tenders, and more. The pilot rocketed off towards the Palm Jumeirah Beach Residence at an average speed of 240kmph.According to the blog post by the company, the pilot reached heights of 100m in 8 seconds, 200m in 12 secs, 500m in 19 secs and 1000m . Non-cash benefits including the employers contributions to pension, medical and dental coverage, group life insurance and disability plans. Ft. 1235 Mayfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Dr. Yius role as President and CEO with AHS ended on April 4, 2022. 2017 Compensation Report. AHS regularly posts expenses of the AHS executive team and formerboard on the external website. This is a conservative estimate. More, Kathryn Todd (former Vice President, Research, Innovation, and Analytics) was not an employee of AHS in 2017, but was seconded from the University of Alberta. The City of Edmonton has refused to allow any salary increases, even though our jobs experience high turnover (i.e. The added salary and benefit cost is estimated at $25,000 or more per year for each reclassified or converted management job. The costs or savings, including the reasons for upward, lateral or downward reclassifications should be reported through a quarterly report. Maintenance Repairman. Yiu earned $576,856 in salary and $78,769 in non-taxable benefits last year for a total of $655,625 in compensation. city of edmonton compensation disclosure list. Join our team and help make Edmonds even greater! Stay up to date with AESO and market news by subscribing to our newsletter. There are no other grounds for granting exemptions. Growing an Event Eligibility & Guidelines, Capital Enhancements Eligibility and Guidelines, Annual Events of Significant Economic Impact, Annual Event of Significant Economic Impact Eligibility & Guidelines, Annual Events of Significant Economic Impact FAQ, Significant Economic Impact Application Form, Snow Route Parking Ban Notification Signup. Other (non-monetary benefits): If total compensation exceeds the 2022 threshold of $141,183, non-taxable benefits, including the public sector bodys share of pension, dental and health spending accounts and other benefits must also be disclosed. The City of Edmonton and EPS (civilian) management titles are inconsistent with job titles used by other large municipalities (i.e. City Council should track classification costs (i.e. To help prepare and publish compensation information, public sector bodies can use these resources: Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, Public Sector Compensation Transparency General Regulation, Public Sector Compensation Transparency Dissolved Public Sector Bodies Regulation, Independent offices of the Alberta Legislature. All rights reserved. Updated. Annually, The City publishes position titles, salary ranges and information about pension and benefits. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. The Council Code of Conduct (Bylaw 18483) requires that elected officials provide the City Clerk with a quarterly disclosure statement, which identifies the receipt of any gift or benefit connected to the performance of the Councillor's duties of office. Prior to 2019's report, the Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act required a listing of officers or employees receiving compensation from the City of Brandon in excess of $50,000. Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7. Do NOT include personal information. We create content that promotes artists, companies, products, causes and ideas that can change the world. Independent Council Compensation Committees were established in 1999/2000, 2006, 2012, 2017, and 2020 to review and make recommendations on Council remuneration. Some of the highest paid public sector employees in 2018 left their positions over the past year, as a new pay grid was phased infor Alberta post-secondary presidents and senior staff of agencies, boards and commissions. 2.75 Baths. The compensation information released is total annual compensation, which includes base salary, overtime, shift premiums, weekend premiums, on-call pay, sick pay, vacation pay, benefits and relevant severance. On September 23, 2002, Council passed Bylaw 31M2002 which established the Council Compensation Review Committee ("CCRC"). Non-monetary (other) benefits are generally non-taxable benefits including the employers portion of pension contributions, employment insurance, Canada Pension Plan and Workers' Compensation Board premiums. The City of Costa Mesa has pledged to be one of the most transparent government entities in the United States, believing that its citizens have the right to see how the public's business is being conducted. More. Prior to that, gifts and honoraria were disclosed according to requirements of City Policy C563. 2023. Clerk II may be called a Leisure Centres - Admin Support Data Owner: Human Resources. Calgary Place, 2500, 330 - 5th Avenue SW Actual base salaries of employees in positions reported in the compensation disclosure list. December 31 - severance from January 1 to June 30 of the current . The Alberta government's Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act (2015) requires that the University of Alberta disclose the name, position, compensation, non-monetary benefits and severance for all employees whose total compensation plus severance exceeds an annual threshold. Serving Edmonds residents in need of assistance. Attachments (see PDF version, pages 3-6): 10212 112 Street NW This category essentially reflects the income amount on the persons T4. Instagram. 4 days ago. You will NOT receive a reply on your feedback. Severance: Includes payments when employment or members appointment ends or retiring allowance. Our work takes place on historical and contemporary Indigenous lands, including the territories of Treaty 6, Treaty 7 & Treaty 8 and the homeland of the Mtis Nation of Alberta and 8 Metis Settlements. Stories about bringing our city vision to life. The 2021 compensation report comprises data from 26 pay periods for . Dumelie earned $587,443 in 2018 with a base salary of $554,952 and $32,491 in non-taxable benefits. The salary and severance disclosure, makes Alberta's public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. If management jobs can be reclassified due to market comparisons, the same principle should apply to all city jobs, including female-dominated jobs in CSU 52. Description. Calgary City Council accountability and integrity information including expense reports, disclosure statements, ethical conduct policy, duties, pay, benefits, . Excludes severance. Disclosure for government agencies, boards and commissions and other public sector bodies. Public sector body and staff salary and severance, and political staff salaries and contracts. city of edmonton compensation disclosure listdiaphragmatic attenuation artifact radiology May 23, 2022 . August 9, 2021 I am very impressed with Dr Jerome. T5K 1M4 Based on the market results, the City should either reduce management salary rates or agree to several more years of zero percent increase. Our suggestions will save the City $191.67 million per year (See Attachment #3). During this time she was seconded from the University of Alberta and paid through University of Alberta payroll. All fields are required unless otherwise indicated. This is a duplicate disclosure by both organizations for the same compensation and is not cumulative. The latest data covers salaries paid during the 2018 calendar year. Reducing hours or work would also move management jobs closer to the market. Individuals may apply to be exempted from having their compensation disclosed only if it could unduly threaten their safety. To illustrate what employees earn within the position salary ranges disclosed in the compensation disclosure list, the following graph shows the distribution of actual base salaries of City employees. which statement best summarizes the claim in this passage? Remuneration paid to members of the Board of Governors will also be disclosed. This disclosure is published quarterly in the online Gifts Registry below. August 10, 2021 So very sad she is retiring.its going to take a long time to find anyone who comes close to her style of care giving.Dr Bidniak will be missed by many. Pay is fair with industry standards. Ft. 21018 W COURT St, Buckeye, AZ 85396. Alberta doctors are exempt from the province's annual sunshine list of compensation disclosure. Due to administrative error, certain amounts reported in 2015-2019 in the other benefits column omitted and/or duplicated a portion of supplemental retirement plan benefits . Nearby homes similar to 20380 W BRITTLEWOOD Ave have recently sold between $470K to $1,040K at an average of $265 per square foot. There are no other grounds for granting exemptions. ), which further increased costs for the City of Edmontons management positions. endobj stream > *H >>> >/ExtGState>/XObject>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group>/XObject>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text . 2023 City of Edmonton. 4 Beds. Dr. Yius role as President and CEO with AHS ended on April 4, 2022. Nelson's total compensation was $487,137, with a base salary of $357,347 and $129,790 in cash and non-cash benefits. Alberta Health Services 2023 Terms of UsePrivacy Statement, For inquiries related to this disclosure, including information about the exemption process, please contact. Edmonton, AB. In the fall of 2014, City Council voted to adopt a compensation disclosure list. The City of Edmonton has refused to allow any salary increases, even though our jobs experience high turnover (i.e. The use of the comparable titles would provide a better comparison for jurisdictional reviews. As per the Act, compensation includes cash and non-cash salary or payments (such as clothing allowances, boot allowances, and tool allowances), as well as taxable benefits (such as employer-provided parking). The Statement of Compensation is a document that discloses the amount of compensation the municipality pays to any person, directly or indirectly, of $100,000 or more in a fiscal year (April 1 - March 31). Parties may obtain discovery regarding any nonprivileged matter that is relevant to any party's claim or defense and proportional to the needs of the case considering the amount in controversy, the importance of the issues at stake in the action, the parties' resources, the importance of the discovery in resolving the issues, and whether the burden or expense of the proposed discovery . Government agencies, boards and commissions are also required to disclose the compensation and severance paid to eligible employees, board members and appointees. This information is consolidated in the public sector body compensation database. Decent job security if you can manage to secure a permanent position with the City. An Independent Council Compensation Committee (ICCC) is established at minimum every two Council terms to review and make recommendations on the remuneration provided to Members of Council. Were transparent and accountable for our business initiatives and spending, and demonstrate that in our reporting and governance. Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment, Elder Care Resources for Faculty and Staff, Child Care Resources for Faculty and Staff, Employment, Benefits and Pay Administration, Visitors to the University (Foreign, Canadian and Academic), Alberta Government Public sector body compensation disclosure web page. Simply put, it is not true. Find the forms and documentation you need to complete HR processes. All rights reserved. The exclusion of these compensation programs eliminates future liabilities to the organization and reduces AESO costs. Employees may apply to be exempted from having their compensation disclosed only if this could unduly threaten their safety. Copyright 2016 Alberta Electric System Operator. the Provincial Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act. % based on features and offers DocumentId=12169 '' > Mortgage rates 5-Year Fixed /a. Members of Council receive a vehicle allowance to offset transportation costs associated with fulfilling their duties within the City of Edmonton and the Edmonton Metropolitan Region. This dataset includes all job titles and the working title may be different. employee works 30 hours per week in a 35-hour standard work week position). Determining more appropriate management salary rates based on a national market survey (using the 50th percentile) would save the City an estimated $27.0 million per year (based on an average 15% reduction for 1200 managers with an average salary and benefits of $150,000 per year). Continue to current page menu and content. CBC's Journalistic Standards and Practices. Please note: there will be variances between the Annual Audited Consolidated Financial Statements and what is included in the compensation disclosure, as the financial statements are based on the fiscal year (Apr 1 Mar 31), while the compensation disclosure is calculated on the calendar year (Jan 1 Dec 31) and/or when compensation is paid. Jobs are incorrectly classified meet changing conditions three options: the breadcrumb links... Support data Owner: Human Resources June 30 of the board of Governors will also disclosed... Methodology and verifiable data from a wide variety of sources ( i.e Edmonton has refused to allow salary... June 30 of the AHS executive team and help make Edmonds even greater with Dr Jerome are used cover... Or savings, including the employers contributions to city of edmonton compensation disclosure list, medical and coverage! Reported through a quarterly report healthy, urban, climate resilient City supports... 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