associated with the licensed capacity of 50. In other words, lets say you paid yourself $5,000 and used $2,000 for items used 100% for your business. Stabilization Grants Thus, we suggest that, if any Lead Agency adopts this interpretation, the agency should check eligibility at the time of termination of benefits to determine whether the minimum 12-month eligibility requirement applies or not. Review the Instructions and Terms & Conditions prior to applying for each funding opportunity. Care provided in emergency situations should be of the highest quality that is reasonably practicable given the particular circumstances. Child care services with a tutoring or academic support component that are funded through CCDF subsidies must be paid in accordance with the Lead Agencys CCDF payment rates. In each monthly submission, you will complete two sections: NOTICE: All CCSG providers must now use the NEW monthly reportlaunched beginning with the grant award for September 2022. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Base amount funds can be used for any approved CCDF activities and are not restricted by spending requirements. To prepare for an EEC fiscal monitoring review, you should consider: a. Documenting all expenditures made with grant funds by using the recommended Expenditure Tracker or a similar tool, that includes at a minimum: b. Yes, if you are a for-profit organization this funding is taxable. Use this button to show and access all levels. Yes, the CCDF, CARES Act, and CRRSA Act program funds may be spent on COVID-19 testing kits. Tribal lead agencies may determine which provider types to include in their stabilization subgrant programs, as long as those providers are eligible and qualified as defined in the ARP Act. Supplemental Funds Congress awarded additional (or supplemental) funds to the CCDF program through several COVID-19 relief packages (i.e., the CARES Act, the CRRSA Act, and the ARP Act). OCC recognizes that tribally operated centers may not need to submit an application to indicate their need for funds because the tribal CCDF program operates the center, but the tribal lead agency is still accountable for assurances about the supplantation requirements and ensuring that the funds are being used for allowable activities. Lead agencies do not have to require additional information at the time of the application as part of the certification process. For example, a family child care home provider may use the grant to pay her mortgage or rent, but only the portion (percent of the square footage) of the home that is used for the business is tax deductible. However, lead agencies may use part of their set-aside for administration, supply building, and technical assistance to help license-exempt, non-CCDF-eligible providers become CCDF-eligible so they can be eligible to apply for ARP Act stabilization subgrants. Supporting Centers in Preparing for Child Care Stabilization Grants, Tom Copelands Blog: Taking Care of Business, Find Stabilization Grant Applications for your State or Territory, Under 3 DC: Lessons in How Leading with Equity Creates Equity for Children and Families, Home Visiting and Following the Family Lead. As we all know, parents need access to safe, quality child care to get back to work. However, as stated above, efforts to increase access to licensing is considered a supply building activity. Furthermore, in many states, participation in TANF also makes families automatically eligible for SNAP and/or WIC. WV DHHR BFA Division of Early Care and Education is pleased to announce the availability of child care stabilization payments from October 2021 through September 2023 for child care providers that meet . Like regular tribal CCDF funds, tribal ARP Act stabilization funds are set-aside to serve tribal children. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. Yes, every licensed child care program site is eligible for a grant; this includes multi-site programs. Depending on a lead agencys licensing and health and safety rules, Head Start and Early Head Start programs may meet the criteria to be considered eligible for ARP Act stabilization subgrants. The closure may be a school-wide closure or for off-days of a hybrid model (e.g., a combination of in-person, virtual, and/or off days.) The amount you pay yourself has nothing to do with how many hours you work or when you work. Some examples include: What are the requirements and restrictions for how the grant funds can be used for payroll? No, child care providers cannot use ARP Act stabilization funds to cover family copayments or tuition. Now, thanks to passage of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the child care sector will receive a total of more than $50 billion in direct relief funding. However, a child care provider that was not licensed, regulated, or registered and met state and local health and safety standards as of March 11, 2021, must meet CCDF requirements at the time of application in order to be eligible for a child care stabilization subgrant. If a Lead Agency is unable to fully liquidate its CCDF FY2018 incurred obligations by September 30, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are three options to consider. Consult an accountant or tax professional to understand more about the programs particular tax situation and how this guidance applies. Almost. If you do sign up, please use the referral code 0659. This does not require a waiver, but could require a Plan amendment. pdf Child Care Restoration Grants Funding Summary . Lead agencies should contact their OCC Regional Offices for support and technical assistance related to spending the various funding streams so they can reach child care providers and families quickly. Yes, the ARP Act requires the lead agency to make available on the lead agencys website an application for qualified providers that includes certifications the child provider, for the duration of the subgrant, will implement certain health and safety requirements and guidance, pay full compensation to staff, and, to the extent possible, provide relief from copayments and tuition for families in their care (section 2202(d)(2)(D)(i)Visit disclaimer page). CCDF funds provide financial assistance to low-income families to access child care so they can work or attend a job training or educational program, and provide resources for quality improvement of child care. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, which provides benefits for up to 50 weeks to individuals who are not eligible for regular UC or extended benefits and who have been COVID-impacted with regard to their unemployment (minus any weeks of regular UC and Extended Benefits (EB) the individual received); Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation, which provides an additional 11 weeks of benefits, through March 14, 2021, to individuals who have exhausted their rights to regular state or Federal UC benefits; and. The tutoring or academic support services do not duplicate or supplant the academic program of any public or private school, pursuant to 42 USC 9858k(b)(3) and 45 CFR 98.56(c)(3), although the services may supplement or enrich the childs education. Rather, lead agencies define their policies to meet this requirement and report them as part of the CCDF plan (45 CFR 98.16(t)). CRANSTON, RI - The Rhode Island Department of Human Services (DHS) is pleased to announce a new grant program designed to support and stabilize Rhode Island's child care industry. The responsibilities for document retention are the same regardless of whether you are selected for review. Furthermore, for family child care providers, whether the child care stabilization funding counts as income also depends on whether it is used as income by the family child care provider who receives it. Purchases of or updates to equipment and supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency. If the program is closed during parts of the year due to schedule (e.g., operational only during the school year), they would not be eligible to apply for a subgrant during that time. Programs should spend all funding in accordance with the specific requirements of each grant program. Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, which provides an additional $300 per week to individuals who are collecting regular state or Federal UC, through weeks of unemployment ending on or before March 14, 2021. How should a program manage/account for having multiple streams of funding from EEC and other state agencies? Consult your state for the answer. This will be necessary to access the various supports offered through the Department. Resources to help develop communication strategies that will increase awareness and visibility of the child care stabilization grant program. Therefore, you would need to file 1099-Gs to avoid penalties for failure to file (Internal Revenue Code Section 6721) or failure to furnish (6722). Lead agencies may determine how they monitor child care providers receiving ARP Act stabilization funds, including what types of documentation and reporting are required. The goal of the Child Care Stabilization Grant is to provide financial relief to child care providers to help cover unexpected business costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, and to help stabilize their operations so they may continue to provide care. Thus, lead agencies should check their own laws and procedures to ensure that using funds for incentives is acceptable practice. Lead Agencies who receive ACF grants may not use grant funds for costs that are reimbursed or compensated by other federal programs. Q: What if I paid myself with this grant and then later realize that I can use it for items used 100% for my business. Lead Agencies have the flexibility to establish continued assistance periods for more than 3 months. You may request assistance from a member of our grants team by filling out the inquiry form below: To contact a member of our grants team, please email Lead Agencies may also use CCDF quality dollars to provide temporary grants or assistance to impacted providers to retain the child care supply during periods of closures. A: You arent paying yourself for any particular hours you work. CCDF funds allocated in FY2018 were available for obligation in FY2018 or FY2019. What happens after a program submits an application? Apply for a waiver to use CCDF funds to provide direct services to families who do not meet CCDF eligibility requirements (e.g., with income above 85% of State Median Income; see note above regarding additional flexibility regarding use of the CARES Act and CRRSA Act CCDF program funds) and/or providers who do not meet CCDF health and safety requirements. As a reminder, CRRSA Act funds may be used to waive copays for all eligible families without a CCDF waiver. Child Care Counts Call Center hours are 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. M-F. I plan to discount the current family tuition evenly. If a program needs to adjust its site capacity, it should contact a licensor or submit an appeal on the grant using the appeal form embedded in the application. If a program is awarded funding, they are not eligible to apply for another grant for a period of three years. Therefore, a lead agency could define a lack of qualified staff or demand as an accepted reason related to the COVID-19 public health emergency for why a child care provider may be temporarily closed. Child Care Stabilization Grant Tax Implications ( 19. Incentives for providers may be considered an allowable expenditure in the CCDF program if the incentives are used as part of quality improvement or other activity that meets the purposes and goals of CCDF. Lead Agencies could also apply for a waiver to establish eligibility periods less than 12 months to serve targeted populations (such as health care, emergency, and essential workers) that have a time-limited need for child care. Sept. 1, 2021: The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is making American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants available to eligible child care providers. Tribal lead agencies that do not have a child care website must post it on a website associated with the tribe so child care providers know the application is legitimate and from a trusted source. Base amount funds can be used for any approved CCDF activities and are not restricted by spending requirements. Even if I didnt get Form 1099? The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification. Including additional categories of vulnerable children in the definition of protective services is only relevant for the purposes of CCDF eligibility and does not mean that those children should necessarily be considered to be in official protective service situations for other programs or purposes. Allowable changes could include children who are Tribal members, whose membership is pending, who are eligible for membership, and/or are children/descendants of members. Recipients of the C3 grants are not required to spend funds within the same month they are received. State, territory, and tribal lead agencies may use the supplemental funds to provide bonuses or other financial incentives to child care providers who choose to stay open extra hours or provide care on the weekends so parents can be vaccinated. The law specifies that child care providers may use their child care stabilization funds on the following allowable activities: Personnel costs Rent, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization, or training and professional development related to health and safety Funding for the grants comes from the American Rescue Plan Act. The ARP child care stabilization funds would be considered self-employment income for the child care providers since they are not universally exempted from SNAP eligibility determinations by law. Therefore, there must be a connection to non-parental child care in order to use CCDF funds. Q: Do we need to enter into KidKare if I am paying myself? If there are multiple Programs registered, Search Provider to quickly locate the Provider. and is required within 60 days of the effective date of the requirement. Allowable changes to the tribes definition could include children who are tribal members, whose membership is pending, who are eligible for membership, and/or are children/descendants of members. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Administration for Native Americans (ANA), Administration on Children, Youth, and Families (ACYF), Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE), Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response (OHSEPR), Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (OLAB), Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE), Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS), section 2202(d)(B)(i) and (ii) of the ARP Act, ARP Act supplemental CCDF Discretionary funds, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, FY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan, FY 2020-2022 CCDF Plan within 60 days of the effective date of implementation, or cost of producing self-employment income (once spent, US Department of Labors webpage on UC benefits related to the COVID-19 outbreak,, Rent, utilities, facility maintenance or improvements, or insurance, Personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitization, or training and professional development related to health and safety, Purchases of or updates to equipment or supplies to respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency, Goods and services necessary to maintain or resume child care services, Mental health support for children and employees, Administering child care stabilization funds, Carrying out activities to increase the supply of child care, Providing technical assistance and support for stabilization applications, Publicizing the availability of ARP Act stabilization funding, Providing technical assistance to providers receiving ARP Act stabilization funds. In addition, states may use CCDF to subsidize child care services for school-age children (up to age 13) that provide care and supervision in situations where schools are not otherwise providing in-person instruction and an outside source pays for instructional services that are delivered in-person in the child care setting. The instructions for submitting applications for construction or major renovation (available on the OCC website) require the tribal lead agency to describe the percentage of floor space that will be used to provide direct services to children. Why does the child care stabilization grant matter? In instances specific to COVID-19, for example, the protective services population, at Lead Agency option, may include children of health care and emergency workers, and other workers deemed essential by public officialsas a temporary, short-term measure. However, adding plexi-glass barriers to an existing entry way or entrance would likely be allowable. Tribal lead agencies that offer stabilization subgrants to child care providers outside of tribally operated centers are required to implement an application process. Providers who served children receiving subsidies from the following programs in March 2021 will be eligible for a $600 per-child stipend: CalWORKs Stages One, Two (C2AP) and Three (C3AP) Alternative Payment Programs (CAPP) including Migrant Alternative Payment Programs (CMAP) General Child Care and Development Programs (CCTR) This funding is subject to the same tax rules as regular CCDF funding. Lead agencies may choose to contract with intermediaries, such as counties, child care resource and referral agencies, and staffed family child care networks, to manage the administration of the ARP Act stabilization subgrants. As the incentives in question would be to promote vaccination among child care providers and support health and safety in child care programs, this would be an allowable use of CCDF quality funds. Welcome to the Child Care Strong grants, administered by MDHS's Division of Early Childhood Care Department. All Rights Reserved. If a Lead Agency adopts this interpretation, it would be allowable (but not required) for a Lead Agency to use CCDF for child care services when children are completing remote, virtual, or online schoolwork or instruction while in child care. These funds are made available to Arizona through the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) relief funding appropriated through The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 (Public Law 117-2). In addition, CCDF regulations provide that Lead Agencies shall expend and account for CCDF funds in accordance with their own laws and procedures for expending and accounting for their own funds [45 CFR 98.67(a)]Visit disclaimer page. To the extent that child care workers continue to participate in TANF, SNAP, or Medicaid, child care workers would not lose WIC as a result of receiving child care stabilization funding. However, Lead Agencies may apply for temporary waivers for extraordinary circumstances in response to emergency situations in accordance with 45 CFR 98.19. These are grants offered to child care providers as a part of the American Rescue Plan and are designed to help with operating expenses. The application must justify that the construction/major renovation activity is for the purpose of preventing, preparing for, and responding to, COVID 19. When and where will a copy of the slide deck from the C3 training sessions be available? Lead Agencies also have flexibility in treatment of regular UC benefits. Lead agencies that want to exempt essential workers from the family asset test must request and have an approved waiver from ACF. The BIG Program was specifically designed to support businesses who endured lost revenue due to the COVID-19 public health emergency. Q: I did not include the grant I got in 2020 on my 2020 tax return. Lead agencies should notify a provider as soon as the decision to reverse the application is made and provide information on why it was reversed and an opportunity to appeal the decision. At this time, there is not a federal spending deadline for programs receiving the C3 stabilization funding. Once an application is reviewed and approved, an email notification of the approval will be sent to the applicant. However, under the CCDBG Act and CCDF rule, regardless of whether a child is physically at school or not, it is not allowable to use CCDF for any regular education services for which students receive academic credit toward graduation or any instructional services which supplant or duplicate the academic program of any school. It would be OCCs expectation that Lead Agencies would employ this flexibility only on a temporary basis for the period of the public health emergency related to COVID-19. In addition, lead agencies can and are expected to use some of their ARP Act stabilization set-aside to help child care providers access and apply for assistance, free of charge to the provider. Though essential workers are not subject to the income eligibility requirement to receive child care services funded by the COVID-19 supplemental funds, they are subject to the other CCDF program eligibility requirements. Child care stabilization grants were appropriated to states in the American Rescue Plan Act (Public Law 117-2) to help stabilize the child care sector via subgrants to child care providers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to properly balance these interests, consistent with statutory and regulatory restrictions on the use of CCDF for school, we offer the following: A CCDF Lead Agency has the option to use CCDF to pay for tutoring or academic support services, but only if meeting all of the following conditions: Yes, electronic equipment is an allowable use under CCDBG as an activity to improve the quality of center-based, home-based, or in home child care services provided for school-aged children (45 CFR 95.53(a)(10)). Payments to child care workers that are sourced from ARP Act stabilization funding are other types of income that can also be excluded from the eligibility calculation. Any other cessation of work or attendance at a training or education program that does not exceed three months, or a longer period of time established by the Lead Agency. She can pay herself this by noting the payment in her bank records or check register as stabilization payment for myself, for example. After September 30, 2022, no additional CCSG awards will be made. You should amend your 2020 taxes and report it as income and pay taxes on the amended return. The grants cannot be used for new construction or major renovations. The IRS has published information indicating that receipt of a government grant by a business is generally not excluded from the businesss gross income under the Federal Tax Code and therefore is taxable. You must claim grant funds in your business gross income. The process for requesting a reasonable modification can be found at, Arizona Adult Protective Services Action Plan, Become a DES Certified Family Child Care Provider, Become a Licensed Center or Group Home Provider, Current Child Care Grants and Scholarships, DES Contracted Child Care Provider Resources, File a Complaint on a DES Child Care Provider, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Conference, Senior Community Service Employment Program, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Child Care Stabilization Grant Program - FAQ, CCSG Workforce Support Provider Decision Tool, Child Care Stabilization Grant Monthly Reporting Training, Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Modification, DES Family Child Care Providers (including in-home providers). Are there other local resources or options for testing? A Plan amendment is required for any substantial program change (e.g., change in eligibility, rates, copays, etc.) Some child care businesses may qualify for tax credits to support paid sick leave while they receive a vaccine and recovery from any side effects. A: Yes. Yes, Lead Agencies have the option to pay CCDF subsidies for school-age children for time in child care when the children are completing remote, virtual, or online schoolwork. ; Lead agencies that choose to send applications directly to qualified providers or have providers access the applications through a private web portal still must post a copy of the application on their public website. These grants are in addition to other pandemic-related relief funds (e.g., CARES grants, Paycheck Protection Program loans, EIDL loans). With limited exceptions, home visiting does not fall within any of these allowable uses. CCDF Lead Agencies have the option to interpret this provision (prohibiting funding of services during the regular school day) as applying only to services when a child is physically at schooland not when a child is in a child care setting. Broaden the Lead Agencys definition of protective services to permit emergency eligibility as a temporary, short-term measure. (See section 2202(d)(B)(i) and (ii) of the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page.). Download our ebook to see why employee stipends are the most common new perk for remote & hybrid work. If you are a non-profit or not-for-profit organization, this funding is tax exempt. The provider must pay each employee (including lead teachers, aides, and staff that are employed by the child care provider to work in transportation, food preparation, and any other staff that the provider employs), at least the same amount in weekly wages and maintain the same benefits (such as health insurance and retirement, if applicable) for the duration of the grant. Tribal lead agencies may request technical assistance to expand services to existing child care providers that have not previously been involved in the tribal CCDF program by contacting the OCC regional program office. You can use it for free during a 30 day trial period. We do note that families of essential workers would continue to be eligible for the full minimum 12-month eligibility period if the households income fell below 85 percent of SMI. How far back can a program go in paying these previous expenses? OCC has not released specific guidance that addresses all possible scenarios related to categorizing regular educational services for school-aged children that would not be eligible for CCDF subsidies. around the country, mostly small businesses, who were already operating on thin margins. Technical/Business Assistance. The Stabilization Payment Program Round 2 is a nine-month payment program that runs . If a Lead Agency obligated funds during that time on activities that meet CCDF requirements and were not charged to their FY2018 CCDF allocation, it could re-purpose those funds and instead claim the obligation against uncommitted funds for FY2018 and liquidate those funds in order to meet the liquidation deadline for FY2018. Questions are grouped in the drop-down menu below into four major categoriesARP Stabilization Grants, Supplemental Funds, Tribes, and Emergency Responseand each category has subcategories. Yes, Lead Agencies can use or modify their absence policy to pay providers if programs are closed or children are absent due to COVID-19. Help is on the way! In addition, all tribal lead agencies were allocated $30,000 as a base amount of the ARP Act stabilization funds prior to allocating funds based on the number of children served. To qualify for the EITCVisit disclaimer page, filing units must not exceed the income/earnings eligibility threshold specific to the filing units filing status (married vs. single/head of household) and number of children (zero, one, two, or three or more). for administration, supply building, and technical assistance. Subgrant amounts should reflect the significant resources included in the ARP ActVisit disclaimer page and be substantial enough to stabilize struggling child care providers. If the family is still eligible at redetermination, they should receive another minimum 12-month eligibility period and should not be placed on a waitlist. 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