enviando un correo electrnico a health & social care, practitioner & technician, secrtaire mdical(e) (f/h) pour frappe de compte rendu, oprateur de machines commandes numriques (f/h), manipulateur en radiologie mdicale (f/h), charg de relation clients et e-commerce bilingue nerlandais (h/f), oprateur de 1re transformation des mtaux (industrie mtallurgique) (f/h). *Please note this information does not apply to all of BHPs operations and BHP also offers other traditional apprentice and traineeship pathways across its sites directly, these opportunities will be posted on our careers site and you can be alerted about these by signing up to job alerts in your candidate profile. They provide ongoing support to all parties to the contact. There will be scheduled mid and end of year annual leave breaks. The Academies are in line with BHP standards, therefore there will be classrooms, active working areas, amenities such as bathrooms, prayer room, parenting room and crib facilities (microwave, fridge and dining tables). Si continas viendo este mensaje, . Average salary for BHP Maintenance Trainee in Australia: A$65,000. Se continui a visualizzare Our Fair Pay score for BHP Billiton is 3.21. Job Description / Responsibilities: The Courageous Steps Project and its Program Development Search Committee is seeking an Early Childhood Special Services Supervisor / Teacher to support its . You need to enable JavaScript to run this app. Tell me about a time when you performed well under pressure. Trade Apprenticeship - Over 24 months earn a full trade qualification and the skills to perform preventative maintenance, diagnostics and repairs. questo messaggio, invia un'email all'indirizzo This employer has claimed their Employer Profile and is engaged in the Glassdoor community. Production Traineeship Over 12 months youll complete a Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations to equip you to be trained, competent and authorised as a Production Operator. With world-class training that is . The process will also include behavioural based interviews. It is core to our strategy and sits at the heart of everything we do. Then think big. Trucks like these, he points out. You might be starting your working life, juggling family and career or looking for a fresh challenge. Vous serez galement en charge de l'accueil des clients et il vous faudra tre en capacit donner des conseils sur les produits prsents en magasin.profil recherchVous devez tre titulaire d'un Bac et avoir au moins 0 annes d'exprience.Vous avez un bon relationnel, vous aimez le contact avec les clients et surtout vous etes dynamiq, descriptif du postevos missions seront dans un premier temps:de la prparation de commandes de pices mtalliques ou/et boisde la rception ainsi que la vrification des marchandisesle chargement et dchargement de camionsla vrification des stocksMais galement, vous serez amns tre polyvalent au sein de l'atelier et pourrez quand c'est ncessaire aller aider les tliers ainsi que les menuisiers dans leurs diffrentes tches.profil recherchVous so, descriptif du postedes oprateurs(f/h) :meuleur,coupeur,plieur,poinonneur,vous coupez des longueurs d'acier sur machine manuelle ou commande numrique.Vous tes amens(f/h) travailler sur robots de soudure(formation interne prvue)Vous faites(f/h) du port de charges lourdesprofil recherchVous recherchez un mtier dans l'industrie,Randstad vous ouvre les portes de la mtallurgie.Vous aimez les mtiers manuels ,le travail bien fait et vous avez une exp, descriptif du posteVos missions principales :Vous assurerez la prise en charge du patient en salle d'intervention ainsi que sa scurit et son confort (assurer la prise des constantes : tensions, frquence cardiaque, temprature)Vous raliserez les soins infirmiers et organiserez les activits en salle d'intervention visant au bon droulement de l'acte opratoire et l'accompagnement du patient (rception et gestion des boites, aide du praticien, range, descriptif du posteVous trouverez ci-dessous le descriptif du poste.Missions :Compta FournisseurVrification des documents comptables fournisseursImputation et saisie des factures fournisseursGestion des rglements des factures fournisseursTenue et suivi des comptes (lettrages, prlvement )Traiter les relances fournisseursCompta ClientSaisie des ventes clientsGestion des encaissements clientsTenue et suivi des comptes (lettrages)Gestion du paiement des, descriptif du posteAu sein de l'quipe de dveloppement du jeu DOFUS Touch, tu participes la production du projet. For further information please see our website. "About This Company" data & logos provided by. Production Operator Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Mine Services Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Services Pump Crew Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Drill and Blast Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Drill Operator Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), In-Field Mobile Maintenance Trainee (Certificate II in Engineering - Mechanical (Ancilliary / Mobile), Fixed Plant Mechanical Trainee (Certificate II in Engineering - Mechanical (Fixed Plant), Fixed Plant Processing Trainee (Cert III Resource Processing), Tyre Fitter Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Laboratory Technician Trainee (Cert III Laboratory Skills), Survey/Mine Planning Trainee (Certificate III in Engineering - Technical Survey / Mine Planning), Pump Crew Trainee (Certificate II in Surface Extraction), Pre-Strip Operator Trainee (Certificate III in Surface Extraction), Hands on training with an Industry Leader, Nationally accredited certificate in your chosen field, Skills & experience to gain a career in the Resources Industry, Working as part of a collaborative & supportive environment, Competitive remuneration package and employee benefits, First-rate working conditions and development opportunities. Si vous continuez voir ce We couldn't find the job you were looking for. Lamentamos Fatigue rooms are provided in some cases before and after your swing. BHP Billiton employees with the job title Mining Engineer make the most with an average annual salary of AU$129,738, while employees with the title Dump Truck Driver make the least with an average annual salary of AU$78,626. Find a Great First Job to Jumpstart Your Career, Getting a Job Is Tough; This Guide Makes it Easier, Stand Out From the Crowd With the Perfect Cover Letter, How to Prepare for Your Interview and Land the Job. . As a permanent employee with BHP you will receive an attractive salary and a wide range of benefits such as; Career development / training opportunities i.e. Below is an insight into selection process: Candidates that successfully complete the pre-employment checks will then progress to a talent pool and will be considered for upcoming opportunities with the program. To apply for this job please visit careers.bhp.com. Sustainability is integral to how we contribute to social value creation. We are curently recruiting for an Electrically Biased Maintenance Engineer to join a well establish manufacturing company in Hoveringham. You learn about the area, about safety, about the trucks, and the heaps of things youve got to be aware of, says Steven Sailor, who is doing the Indigenous Traineeship Program through BMA. Maintenance Traineeship Over 12 months youll complete specific modules to a Certificate II level to equip you to be trained, competent and authorised to perform a range of preventative maintenance tasks as a Heavy Diesel Maintenance Associate or Mechanical Fitter Maintenance Associate. Stay in touch with the latest news, stories and insights from BHP. Youll be based in either Perth, WA or Mackay, QLD in order to commute to and from the learning centre daily. Everyone learning at the BHP FutureFit Academy will be commencing on a roster. Disculpa Salary: 37,749. There are no open jobs for this combination of filters, please try again. From day one at the Academy you are a permanent BHP employee. All employees who will be commencing as part of the BHP FutureFit Academy will be on a roster broken down into four day shifts (6.00am to 2.30 pm), followed by four afternoon shifts (2:30pm 11:00pm) and then four days off. Maintenance Associate Traineeships | BHP FutureFit Academy | Mackay new BHP - Mackay QLD No experience required BHP is offering Maintenance Associate Traineeships at the FutureFit Academy, a purpose-built center to designed to fast track your. Why not you? You might be starting your working life, juggling family and career or looking for a fresh challenge. Als u dit bericht blijft zien, stuur dan een e-mail Wenn Its suggested you follow the STAR model to provide a structured manner of responding to behavioural based interview questions by discussing the specific situation, task, action and result of the situation you are describing. Mastery Program Community and.. We are offering apprenticeships in Heavy Diesel Fitting, Mechanical Fitting, Fabrication and Conveyor Belt-Splicing (Polymer Fabrication)*. om ons te informeren over dit probleem. Apprentices will receive a salary increase in their second year. Vous serez plac(e) sous la responsabilit hirarchique du chef d'atelier et devrez respecter les dlais de production imposs.travail post ou journeprofil recherchVous(f/h) devez tre titulaire d'un CAP ou quivalent (soudure) et avoir au moins 1 mois d'e, descriptif du posteLes missions proposes sont les suivantes : Accueillir, informer et orienter les publics qui sollicitent le service Raliser des oprations d'assistance administrative :-Rdiger et envoyer des courriers/mails-Saisir et mettre en forme des documents (prsentations powerpoint, rapports, plaquettes, modles)-Prendre des notes et les restituer-Prparer et constituer les dossiers-Mettre jours les tableaux de bord et les bases de donnes-Ef, descriptif du posteAu sein de l'quipe comptabilit fournisseurs, vous avez pour missions le traitement comptable des factures fournisseurs (saisie, gestion des litiges ) et la gestion des facturations des pnalits fournisseurs et de leur suivi.Vous intervenez sur les relances fournisseurs.profil recherchDe formation Bac+2 en comptabilit, vous avez une exprience sur un poste similaire en comptabilit fournisseurs.Vous avez une bonne matrise du pack-o, descriptif du posteVotre mission consistera :Assurer l'animation et le pilotage du site e commerce Nerlandais ainsi que la Relation Client de la Belgique et des Pays-Bas.Pour cela, tu seras amen : Piloter le chiffre d'affaires du site ainsi que ses principaux KPI (trafic, taux de transformation, panier, ) Animer le plan commercial du site e-commerce et coordonner sa mise en place Animer la base clients via un plan de communication emailing/push, descriptif du posteDurant cette mission, vous serez amen faire de la manutention, du rangement et de la mise en rayon. Students are entitled to 6 weeks annual leave per annum. Because while the world relies on the resources we find, BHP relies on people like you. We succeed through the partnerships we build with our suppliers. As you learn, youll receive an attractive annual salary while you study. We use cookies to improve your experience. An overriding commitment to health, safety, environment responsibility, and sustainable development. Il s'agit d'un poste situ dans la ville de Roubaix.profil recherchVous tes quelqu'un qui a un bon sens relationnel et, descriptif du posteVos mission sont de :Garantir la gestion de la tenue et le suivi de la comptabilit gnrale de l'tablissement Garantir l'laboration de la facturation des personnes accueillies, en assurer son suiviGarantir la ralisation de la paie des salaris de la structure Garantir la gestion budgtaire et le contrle de gestion des structuresGarantir l'laboration de la clture de fin d'anne et le bilanContribuer la gestion des ressources hu, descriptif du posteRattach au responsable de service, vous ralisez les analyses chimiques et physico chimiques des matires, produits semi finis et produits finis, pour libration dans le respect des dlais et de la documentation en vigueur (procdures, Techniques Analytiques, cahiers des charges ).Vous analysez les prlvements d'eau.Vous saisissez les rsultats des analyses et assurez la double vrification des saisies entre collgues.Vous tes garant. Nous sommes dsols pour la gne occasionne. Or maybe you fancy a change of scenery with a new skill set but worried about moving careers later in life? Average salary for BHP Maintenance Trainee in Brisbane: A$65,000. Fast paced exciting role with a broad scope of responsibilities. The average estimated annual salary at BHP is $127,351, or $61 at an hourly rate. A new window will open. We provide the materials for essential infrastructure, enabling better standards of living and facilitating greater prosperity. Our strategy is to focus on creating a safe work environment where our employees feel strongly connected to our values and objectives, and where the capability of our people is key to our success. As part of the recruitment process, there are a number of checks which may be conducted to demonstrate applicant suitability for a role including police / criminal background checks, medical, drug and alcohol testing, due diligence checks, right to work checks and/or reference checks, 5265,FIELD,SA,AU,-35.718823,139.743422,Australia. At BHP, we can help shape your job to fit your life and your career goals. The skills and experience learned from the BHP FutureFit Academy will allow you to work on BHP sites throughout Australia. 6 days ago Haul Truck Traineeship new Programmed - Newcastle NSW No experience required What your skills are worth in the job market is constantly changing. Is relocation offered as part of the package? Do you offer any other additional features & benefits that arent related to cash rewards? Bitte helfen Sie uns, Glassdoor zu schtzen, indem Sie besttigen, dass Sie The BHP FutureFit Academy offers two pathways into mining with traineeships being offered in both maintenance and production, and apprenticeships being offered only in maintenance. As a permanent employee with BHP, you are also entitled to a wide range of benefits, such as; Accommodation is not provided whilst you are training in our facilities in Mackay or Perth. The maintenance engineer will be getting involved in carrying out planned and reactive maintenance on all industrial factory equipment as well as being involved with . Individuals will be equipped with the resources and support needed to establish a dynamic and . This estimate is based upon 6 BHP Maintenance Technician salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. Traineeships are offered over 12 months in either: These training programs, which are delivered through the BHP FutureFit Academy, have been developed in conjunction with respected Registered Training Organisations, CQUniversity Australia and North Metropolitan TAFE (Perth).*. At BHP we support our people to grow, learn, develop their skills and reach their potential. This might mean that when you visit our site, you might not initially find a role that suits your experience, roster or location preferences. An assessment of mechanical comprehension: Mechanical comprehension tests are designed to assess your understanding of using, troubleshooting, and performing maintenance on machinery. Prparer les audits sige et de chan, descriptif du posteSelon vos comptences vous serez amen exercer sur des blocs pluridisciplinaires. Motivation to achieve individual and team goals and objectives with a willingness to actively contribute to attain results. Why do people leave their jobs? per informarci del problema. Yes. BHP Billiton pays its employees an average of AU$117,502 a year. Caval Ridge Mine is on Barada Barna Country, and as such, the Traineeship Program has been developed closely with the Traditional Owners to create opportunities for their people as well as other Indigenous people in Queensland. This tool will also provide you with valuable insight into the types of situations you are likely to encounter on the job. BHP will also adhere to any relevant health directives that may be made that affects our workforce. Come and be part of this success. What Ive learnt so far from our supervisors and trainers has been life-changing, My highlight so far is carrying out inspections on the conveyor, isolation gate, chutes and sump pump. Stay up to date with new jobs that match what you are looking for. BHP FutureFit Academy has been designed to help, offering a purpose-built learning centre, with locations in both Perth and Mackay, designed to set you up for success and support your new career whilst also making sure that you have the skills and experience to succeed. Maintenance Technician salaries at BHP can range from $106,000 - $155,000 per year. The option to live in a residential community near many of BHPs sites is also available for those that wish to be home each night. Financial results and Operational Reviews, Operational (Scope 1 and 2) decarbonisation, Value chain (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions, Carbon offsets and natural climate solutions, Our Global Inclusion and Diversity Council. His traineeship sees him driving the trucks he so proudly stands in front of, which is a fine start for someone whose career path involves learning about huge machines. Si continas recibiendo este mensaje, infrmanos del problema Filter Found 353 of over 353 interviews Sort Popular Popular Most Recent Oldest first Easiest Most Difficult Interviews at BHP Experience Positive 63% Negative 13% Neutral 24% This might mean that when you visit our site, you might not initially find a role that suits your experience, roster or location preferences. Rachel, from Gympie, nearly 900km away, is also part of the program. An assessment of inductive reasoning: Inductive tests are designed to assess your ability to identify underlying patterns in information and predict outcomes using that information. We provide the materials for essential infrastructure, enabling better standards of living and facilitating greater prosperity. In undertaking a traineeship, you can expect hands on industry-lead training and mentoring by BMAs talented workforce, first-rate working conditions, and a nationally recognised qualification in your chosen field on successful completion. $65.01p/hr Permanent for experienced operators Residential, DIDO, BIBO and FIFO Opportunity to work with industry leading client on a large scale site Dozer push operators required for open cut coal mine in the Dysart region. Individuals will be equipped with the resources and support needed to establish a dynamic and fulfilling career within Mining. Do I have the choice between a Maintenance Traineeship or Maintenance Apprenticeship? Tu participes la maintenance et la correction des bugs. What is the difference between these two pathways? We believe the future is increasingly clear and our strategy, portfolio, capabilities and approach to social value position us to play an important role in meeting the twin objectives of an accelerated energy transition, and continued economic development and improvement in living standards. Example question: Our Maintenance Associate Traineeships are a 12-month program after which you will graduate with a Cert II in Engineering. To support growth and development within the industry, BHP is offering a number of Traineeships across our BMA Operations. In-Field Mobile Maintenance Trainee (Certificate II in Engineering Mechanical (Ancillary/Mobile), Survey/Mine Planning Trainee (Certificate III in Engineering Technical), Hands on training with an Industry Leader, Nationally accredited certificate in your chosen field, Skills and experience to gain a career in the Resources Industry, Working as part of a collaborative & supportive environment, Competitive remuneration package and employee benefits, First-rate working conditions and development opportunities, An overriding commitment to health, safety, environment responsibility, and sustainable development, A strong desire to learn and develop a range of new skills associated with your chosen field, Motivation to achieve individual and team goals and objectives and a willingness to actively contribute to attain results, Ability to work collaboratively as part of a team alongside a range of diverse individuals, At BHP, we are committed to employing individuals who align with the BHP Charter Values and meet the requirements of the role. Come and be part of this success. Successful candidates are offered permanent employment from day 1 and will be paid whilst training is undertaken. As Rachel so succinctly put it; This jobs important to me as it encourages younger Indigenous people to pursue a career in mining. The program is a way for BMA to deliver on BHPs Reconciliation Action Plan commitments, and ensure that Social Value is created where we operate. BHP East Pilbara, Western Australia, Australia Be an early applicant 12 hours ago Expression of Interest | Drillers |. Try another search query or. Salaries contributed by BHP employees include job titles like Engineers, Sales Managers, Accountants, HR Managers, Mechanical supervisors, and IT Support Engineers. Rigoureux(ses) et autonome. Individuals will be equipped with the resources and support needed to establish a dynamic and fulfilling career within Mining. Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. The estimated annual median salary is $120,448, or $57 at an hourly rate. The salary is not negotiable. The purpose-built learning centres feature the latest immersive virtual reality technology combined with workshop learning to develop your skills and knowledge. real person. to let us know you're having trouble. To keep our sites operating safely and effectively both roles are essential! Why not now? After an Engagement Centre, candidates may be requested to complete Pre-Employment Checks. Upon successful completion of the program, when you are working on site, camp accommodation will be provided during your swing (for applicable rosters). The typical BHP Specialist salary is $120,000 per year. Before you decide whether variable pay is right for your org, get a deeper understanding of the variable pay options and the cultural impact of pay choices. The apprenticeships take 24 months to complete and are available in: Heavy Diesel Fitting, Mechanical Fitting, Fabrication and Conveyor Belt Splicing (Polymer processing). Salaries 355 Interviews 781 Benefits 46 Photos + Add an Interview BHP Interview Questions Updated 8 Jan 2023 Find Interviews To filter interviews, Sign In or Register. Location: Hoveringham. Why not now? Walking into the maintenance centre for the first time at Caval Ridge Mine, one may find the scale of operations to be daunting. Hands-on work is proving to be a great learning opportunity and goes perfectly with our training tutorials. While the traineeships provide practical on-the-job training, the friendship and cooperation helps in building less tangible skillsets. Its here where trucks the size of a modest house are kept mechanically sound. With a global portfolio of operations, we offer a diverse and inclusive environment with extraordinary career opportunities. Filter your search results by job function, title, or location. naar Specialist salaries at BHP can range from $70,000 - $150,000 per year. Aydanos a proteger Glassdoor y demustranos que eres una persona real. Jamie Pini, boilermaker at our Yandi operations in Western Australia, is a passionate mental health advocate. While the traineeships provide practical on-the-job training, the friendship and cooperation helps in building less tangible skillsets. Already have a profile? We are currently offering trades in Heavy Diesel Fitting, Mechanical Fitting, Belt Splicing, Boilermaker (Fabrication), Electrical and Auto Electrical. 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The BHP FutureFit Academy currently offers a choice of two entry pathways, either maintenance or production and on successful completion you will gain a nationally recognised qualification; Maintenance: Our maintenance pathways are designed for those who enjoy working with their hands and figuring out how things work, our maintenance teams are essential in keeping all of our equipment such as our trucks and conveyers working effectively on our sites. Emily talks about her experience as a graduate metallurgist on site at Olympic Dam in South Australia, one of the world's largest deposits of copper. Power of attorney at the notary: how to sign online? Tu travailles galement sur les systmes d'intgration continue, l'exploitation des clients et les versions.Dans le cadre de tes missions, tu seras amen , descriptif du posteLors de cette mission, vous serez charg : - D'accueillir les clients et les conseiller sur les diffrents produits du magasin - D'effectuer de la mise en rayon- De tenir la caisse - D'assurer la propret et le rangement du magasinLors de cette mission, vous effectuerez galement l'ouverture et la fermeture du magasin. Caso continue recebendo esta mensagem, Unfortunately no. About BHP Operations Services BHP Operations Services delivers industry leading mining services across BHP operations Australia-wide with specialist capabilities in load and haul, fixed plant maintenance and mobile maintenance. Applications are reviewed and screened to ensure minimum requirements are met. Nationally accredited certificates on offer may include: We are eager to connect with enthusiastic, motivated, and adaptable individuals wanting to learn new skills and embark on a career within the mining industry, this is an opportunity to be part of something big! message, please email As part of the recruitment process, there are a number of checks which may be conducted to demonstrate applicants suitability for a role including police / criminal background checks, medical, drug and alcohol testing, due diligence checks, right to work checks, and/or reference checks. enva un correo electrnico a During the application process you will be asked for your preference on what you would like to learn. . Please help us protect Glassdoor by verifying that you're a . Transform pay with our enterprise-grade comp platform, Automate compensation with our full-suite solution, Payscale's employer-reported salary data network, The world`s largest employee-submitted pay database, Annual survey salary data from HR industry publishers, The crowdsourced compensation data API for developers, 100% company submitted data from 2,000+ businesses, Schedule a personalized demo to feel the power of Payscale, Find salary information for similar job titles and locations, Comp Planning Business Case Pitch Deck By clicking Download Pitch Deck, you. Building diverse and inclusive teams allows BMA to benefit from each individuals unique skills, experiences, perspective and backgrounds. Because while the world relies on the resources we find, BHP relies on people like you. We offer permanent roles within BHP, but with a focus on our people, how we connect and achieve high performance. Embracing inclusion and diversity to create a vibrant culture that represents the communities in which we live, BMA is focused on high performance, safety, team work, strong Indigenous participation and gender balance. Sie weiterhin diese Meldung erhalten, informieren Sie uns darber bitte per E-Mail Due to the sheer size and scale of our operations, we are posting jobs daily across our operational and functional teams. Operations Services (OS) is a division of BHP that provides Production and Maintenance services. Late applications will not be accepted. Group Training Organisations: recruit apprentices and trainees and matches them with host employers. New intakes are scheduled throughout the year, if applications are currently not open you can sign up to job alerts in your candidate profile to ensure that when the next intake opens you are alerted via email. Following a successful assessment, candidates will be invited to attend a face to face or virtual Engagement Centre where candidates will participate in a group presentation, Q & A session, a group activity and individual behavioural based interviews with a BHP representative. message, contactez-nous l'adresse This has led to almost 50% of the trainees being from Barada Barna Country. At BHP, we recognise that we are strengthened by diversity. As an Apprentice you will receive the same competitive salary as a Trainee for the first 12 months of study. Embracing inclusion and diversity to create a vibrant culture that represents the communities in which we live, BMA is focused on high performance, safety, team work, strong Indigenous participation and gender balance. Situation or Task Describe the situation you were in or the task that needed accomplishing, Action Describe the action you took to address the situation, Result Describe the outcome of your actions. After completion of your training, you will transfer to one of our sites as a safety conscious, confident and competent team member, working either a fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) roster or living residentially near one of our mine sites. About BHP At BHP we support our people to grow, learn, develop their skills and reach their potential. Facilitating greater prosperity an overriding commitment to health, safety, environment,. At our Yandi operations in Western Australia, is a division of that! But with a focus on our people to pursue a career in Mining kept mechanically sound Billiton 3.21... Combined with workshop learning to develop your skills and experience learned from the learning centre daily any health! Offer permanent roles within BHP, we offer permanent roles within BHP, we offer permanent roles BHP!, from Gympie, nearly 900km away, is a division of that. 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