Dumas to his brothers in arms, March 6, 1794, SHD 3B9, quoted by Reiss (2012). [3], In 1970, upon the centenary of his death, the Paris Mtro named a station in his honour. By the time of his release, he was partially paralyzed, almost blind in one eye, had been deaf in one ear but recovered; his physique was broken. Thomas-Alexandre was the only son born to them, but two or three daughters were also born, of whom two daughters survived until their father sold them in 1775. Report by Dumas's aide-de-camp Dermoncourt, quoted in Alexandre Dumas. The police report on the incident shows that Titon chose not to press charges as he might have, and all participants were released. Born to a white nobleman and one of his black slaves in Saint-Domingue, Dumas was nevertheless raised in privilege, being brought to France where he received an aristocratic education. The other objectives of the Society are to bring together fans of Dumas, to develop cultural activities of the Chteau de Monte-Cristo, and to collect books, manuscripts, autographs and other materials on Dumas. Born on July 27, 1824 He died of a stroke on 5 December 1870 in Puys, near Dieppe, France. Dumas is probably best known for fathering the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas (pre). Thomas Alexandre Dumas was born on the 25th of March, 1762, to a white father and his black slave consort in Jeremie in Saint-Domingue (modern Haiti). Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo contains several references to hashish. ? In March 1799, Dumas left Egypt on an unsound vessel, which was forced to run aground in the southern Italian Kingdom of Naples, where he was taken prisoner and thrown into a dungeon. The Frenchnotably Napoleonnicknamed him "the Horatius Cocles of the Tyrol"[6] (after a hero who had saved ancient Rome[7]) for defeating a squadron of enemy troops at a bridge over the Eisack River in Clausen (today Klausen, or Chiusa, Italy) in March 1797. His mother's name is Marie-Cesette Dumas (spelled "Cezette") and referred to as Marie Cezette, negress, mother of Mr. Rethor (Marie Cezette negresse mere dud. The building was used after 1852 by the Opra National (established by Adolphe Adam in 1847). He was a son to father, Thomas-Alexandre Dumas who was a French Army General who fought in the French Revolutionary Wars, and to mother, Marie-Louise . On 28 November 1792, stationed with the Black Legion in Amiens, Dumas married Marie-Louise lisabeth Labouret in Villers-Cotterts. Alexandre Dumas (UK: / dj u m , d m /, US: / d u m /; French: [alksd dym]; born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie ([dym davi d la pajt()i]), 24 July 1802 - 5 December 1870), also known as Alexandre Dumas pre (where pre is French for 'father', to distinguish him from his son Alexandre Dumas fils), was a French writer.His works have been . An error has occured while loading the map. Unlike his noble peers, who took arms as commissioned officers, Dumas enlisted as a private. He changed his last name to Dumas, which he adopted from his grandmother who used to work as a Haitian slave. The writer whose birth name was Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie was born on July 24, 1802. He also was the most delightfully amusing and egotistical creature on the face of the earth. [30] The proceedings were televised: the new coffin was draped in a blue velvet cloth and carried on a caisson flanked by four mounted Republican Guards costumed as the four Musketeers. The boy accompanied Captain Langlois to Le Havre, France, arriving on 30 August 1776, where his father bought him back and freed him. 1860.jpg 190 265; 6 KB 0 references sex or gender female 0 references given name Marie 0 references Alexandrine 0 references family name Dumas 0 references date of birth 5 March 1831 Julian 1 reference Thomas-Alexandre Dumas was born as Thomas-Alexandre Davy at Jeremie, on the island of Saint Domingue, on March 25th 1762. [38], Sources differ on the date and circumstance of her death. The Dumas family name was adopted from Alexandre's grandmother, an . His lengthy Grand Dictionnaire de cuisine (Great Dictionary of Cuisine) was published posthumously in 1873. Dumas delayed his arrival in Paris until mid-July, and was not seen by the Committee before the Terror ended with the execution of Robespierre on 27 July 1794. The armada departed on 10 May 1798, destination still unannounced. Here you can find the best of this of Alexandre Dumass historical novels, essays, plays, and travel books. The collection contains about 3,350 volumes, including some 2,000 sheets in Dumas's handwriting and dozens of French, Belgian and English first editions. [57]) According to the novelist Dumas's account, on hearing of Alexandre's plan, his father insisted that his son take a "nom de guerre" in order that he not drag the noble name "through the lowest ranks of the army". 1716, d. 1773) (married 1738 to Anne-Marie Tuff), and Louis Franois Thrse (Louis) (b. By NAN Staff Writer . Alexandre Dumas (UK: /djum, dm/, US: /dum/; French:[alksd dym]; born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie ([dym davi d la pajt()i]), 24 July 1802 5 December 1870),[1][2] also known as Alexandre Dumas pre (where pre is French for 'father', to distinguish him from his son Alexandre Dumas fils), was a French writer. He was the grandson of a woman slave from the Saint Domingue island (later renamed, Haiti), where his French father was born in 1762, and lived a large part of his life. Cesette 1720 - 1772 DUMAS Thomas Alexandre 1762 - 1806 LABOURET Marie Afterward (according to his son, drawn largely from the memories of Dumas's aide-de-camp Dermoncourt), Napoleon told him: "I shall have a painting made of the taking of the Grand Mosque. S. Rethor, Jeannette es Marie Rose, Creoles, filles de lad. De dela Pailleterie se dessaisissans a son profit de tous les droits de proprit quelle pouvais avoir sur lesd. Dumas was the Father of the famous French author Alexandre Dumas [ 5] and the first black General in the French army. He founded a production studio, staffed with writers who turned out hundreds of stories, all subject to his personal direction, editing, and additions. (Some historians argue that this island inspired Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo. His paternal grandmother was a black slave named Marie-Cessette from the island of Saint Domingue (present day Haiti) and his paternal grandfather wa. General Alexandre Dumas to First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte, 17 October 1803, and Marie-Louise Labouret-Dumas to the minister of war, 2 October 1814, both in Service historique de la Dfense (Vincennes, France), 7YD91. As Alexandre Dumas gained fame when his novels began to be serialized, combat, travel and adventure were always at . Among his affairs, in 1866, Dumas had one with Adah Isaacs Menken, an American actress who was less than half his age and at the height of her career. [18] Published by ditions Phbus, it sold 60,000 copies, making it a best seller. Jerome (Jeremiah) Dumas, a Huguenot, arrived in James Town, Virginia July 20, 1700 and his descendants are numbered in the thousands. The boy, his sister, and his widowed mother were plunged into deeper poverty. Dumas travelled to Spain, Italy, Germany, England and French Algeria. It was renamed the Thtre Lyrique in 1851. But that short-lived republic had succumbed to an internal uprising by a local force known as the Holy Faith Army, led by Cardinal Fabrizio Ruffo, in alliance with King Ferdinand IV of the Kingdom of Naples, who was at war with France.[80]. In October, he was important in putting down an anti-French revolt in Cairo by charging into the Al-Azhar Mosque on horseback. She had performed her sensational role in Mazeppa in London. Pre de Marie-Csette He acknowledged and assisted his son, Alexandre Dumas, to become a successful novelist and playwright. Thomas-Alexandre Dumas was a mulatto born in the French colony of Saint Domingue ( Haiti ). The family slumped into hard times when the father died in 1806, and young Dumas went to Paris to try . The two extant primary documents that state a racial identity for Marie-Cessette Dumas refer to her as a "ngresse" (a black woman) as opposed to a "multresse" (a woman of visible mixed race). Registry of the Dragoons in the Regiment of the Queen, Dumas entry, 2 June 1786, privately held by Gilles Henry. Alexandre Dumas was a descendant of a nobleman and the son of a general (Benton), and continued his family legacy by writing about 300 fiction and non-fiction books, plus creating six different periodicals (Benton). Dumass father died when he was four years old, leaving the family with very little money. In 1830, Dumas participated in the Revolution that ousted Charles X and replaced him with Dumas's former employer, the Duke of Orlans, who ruled as Louis-Philippe, the Citizen King. Delisson to the Count de Maulde, 25 June 1786, Archives dpartementales du Pas-de-Calais (Dainville and Arras, France), 10J35. Alexandre Dumas, pre See all media Born: July 24, 1802 France Died: December 5, 1870 (aged 68) near Dieppe France Notable Works: "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Count of Monte Cristo" "The Three Musketeers" Movement / Style: Romanticism Notable Family Members: father Alexandre Dumas son Alexandre Dumas, fils See all related content Summary Dumas frequently commanded the legion, as Saint-Georges was often absent. Alexandre Dumas is geboren op 24 juli 1802 in Villers, Calvados, Basse-Normandie, France, zoon van Thomas Alexandre Dumas en Marie Labouret.. Hij is overleden op 5 december 1870 in Puys, Seine-Maritime, Haute-Normandie, France. He joined the French Army as a private and rose to the rank of a General during the French Revolution. [40] Thomas-Alexandre Dumas may have earlier claimed that she had died in order to avoid having to get her approval before marriage and revealing her slave status. He went on to attend the academy . [] His frizzy hair recalls the curls of the Greeks and Romans." Alexandre Dumas "le fils" meaning "the son", was a French author and playwright, best known for the romantic novel La Dame aux Camlias ( The Lady of the Camellias) published in 1848. Decades later, after the election of Louis-Napolon Bonaparte in 1851, Dumas fell from favour and left France for Belgium, where he stayed for several years, then moved to Russia for a few years before going to Italy. He published travel books about Russia. The expedition's chief medical officer recounted in a memoir that local Egyptians, judging Dumas's height and build versus Napoleon's, believed Dumas to be in command. As many people have said - it seems like every person in America whose last name is Dumas claim they are related to the famous writers, Alexandre Dumas pere and fils.But it was proven to be not true.they had only French descendants within the boundaries of France.And the lines died out for the male heirs bearing the name of Dumas. O n June 25, 1847, Three Musketeers author Alexandre Dumas unveiled one of the greatest architectural follies of his timea miniature Renaissance chteau and a Gothic house surrounding by . He was born on July 24, 1802 in Villers-Cotterts, France. We must have felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life. In April 1793, General Dumouriez attempted a coup d'tat; Saint-Georges and Dumas refused to join it and defended the city of Lille from coup supporters. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. This was a "free legion" (i.e., formed separately from the regular army) composed of free men of color (gens de couleur libres). In 1913, a statue of General Dumas was erected in Place Malesherbes (now Place du . Alexandre Dumas's death act, 27 February 1806, Muse Alexandre Dumas (Villers-Cotterts, France). He believed his illnesses were caused by poisoning. He used the name "Retor" (sometimes spelled Rethor) during and for some years after the period in which his father sold him and then re-purchased him (17751776). Brief life of the soldier who inspired The Count of Monte Cristo: 1762-1806. . Chirac acknowledged the racism that had existed in France and said that the re-interment in the Pantheon had been a way of correcting that wrong, as Alexandre Dumas was enshrined alongside fellow great authors Victor Hugo and mile Zola. negresses cy devans nommes es leurs Enfans []." [29] Others have suggested African origins of the names Cessette and Dumas, including Gabon or Dahomey. Lequel a fait et constitue pour son procureur general et special Marie-Cezette, sa mere, a la quelle il donne pouvoir de, pour lui et en son nom, dagir, gerer et administrer les biens, terres, habitations et proprits appartenant au constituant, comme fils et heritier d'Antoine Alexandre Davy de La Pailleterie son pere, le tout situ cote et ile de Saint-Domingue; de se mettre en possession du tout pour et au nom du constituant []; et generalement, faire par ladite procuratrice constitue tout ce que sa prudence et les circonstances exigeront; le constituant entendant conferer a ladite procuratrice constitute tous les pouvoirs les plus illimites pour la regie desditeshabitations et autres proprietes, encore bien qu'elles ne soient pas litteralement noncees ou representees. Legal document, 8 November 1801, quoted in Raphel Lahlou. One of the prominent French writers, Alexandre Dumas, was born on the 24th of July in 1802, in Villers-Cotterts, France. It had fifty performances over the next year, extraordinary at the time. In March 1861, the kingdom of Italy was proclaimed, with Victor Emmanuel II as its king. In addition, he was in a hurry to leave for the military front. Dumas's mother, Marie-Cessette Dumas, was a black slave. Despite Dumas's aristocratic background and personal success, he had to deal with discrimination related to his mixed-race ancestry. From 1839 to 1841, Dumas, with the assistance of several friends, compiled Celebrated Crimes, an eight-volume collection of essays on famous criminals and crimes from European history. French writer and artist (1831-1878) Marie-Alexandrine Dumas edit Statements instance of human 1 reference image Marie-Alexandrine-Dumas. Clear rating. . During his imprisonment, he was aided by a secret local pro-French group, which brought him medicine and a book of remedies. ALEXANDRE DUMAS Premium Collection - 27 Novels in One Volume: The Three Musketeers Series, The Marie Antoinette Novels, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Valois Trilogy and more (Illustrated) by Alexandre Dumas , Maurice Leloir, et al. In April and May 1794, Dumas launched several assaults on Mont Cenis. [89] Marie-Louise Labouret Dumas worked in a tobacconist's shop to make ends meet. [31][32] Chirac noted that although France has produced many great writers, none has been so widely read as Dumas. Alexandre Dumas, born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie, also known as Alexandre Dumas, pre, was a French writer, best known for his historical novels of high adventure which have made him one of the most widely read French authors in the world. Black Legion in Amiens, Dumas married Marie-Louise lisabeth Labouret in Villers-Cotterts, France ) to. Grandmother, an amusing and egotistical creature on the 24th of July in,. 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