Patient was given advanced trauma care before being taken to hospital for further treatment. Medic54 were called to a fall at 20.41pm and on scene at 21.13pm. Medic54 were called to an agricultural incident at 21.37pm and on scene at 22.02pm. Patient sustained life threatening burns and transferred to hospital wth TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 20.50pm and on scene at 21.14pm. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 16.52pm and on scene at 17.02pm. Assisted EMAS in management of car collision. Helimed54 were tasked to a medical incident at 12.50pm and were on scene at 13.12pm. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 11.02am and on scene at 11.28am. Patient was involved in equestrian incident and was assessed and offered treatment before being taken to hospital for further care. Secure communications company Salt Communications based in Belfast, Northern Ireland have set out to do the 5K a day challenge in the month of September in aid of local life-saving charity Air Ambulance NI. They were treated and conveyed to hospital by air. Our Latest Missions. Helimed54 were tasked to a medical incident at 15.23pm and on scene at 15.36pm. Patient in cardiac arrest was assessed and conveyed with TAAS via land. Medic54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 16.07pm and were on scene at 16.10pm. Called to support patient who was unconscious after falling down stairs. Air Ambulance Worldwide also specializes in medical flights & medical evacuations to or from anywhere in British Columbia. GPICU worked alongside NEST to transfer a patient from the Isle of White to a specialist treatment centre in 37 minutes. Medic54 were called to an industrial incident at 15.29pm and on scene at 15.42pm. Assisted EMAS crews with patient in cardiac arrest. Medic54 were called to attend a fall at 20.33pm and were on scene at 20.45pm. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 6.05am and on scene at 6.37am. Patient fallen from horse and had seizure. Patient had been struck by a vehicle. Helimed54 were tasked to a fall at 10.11pm and on scene 10.34pm. All left with other services for further care. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 22:12 and were on scene at 22:24. Attended and assessed patient fallen from horse and suffering back pain and reduced sensation in leg. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 22.53pm and were on scene at 23.20pm. Patient struck by horse was assessed and treated on scene before being handed over to EMAS and taken to hospital. Attended patient fallen from horse. 10. Conveyed by land ambulance with TAAS for further care. Assessed patient injured in industrial accident during repair of vehicle. Medic54 were called to attend a fall at 22.30pm and were on scene at 22.45pm. Requested to support crews on scene with cardiac arrest where patient required critical care and conveyed to hospital by land ambulance. Left with other service for further care. Motorcyclist in accident and suffered neck injury. Our crew assisted another service with a patient suffering from agitation due to possible drug use. Patient found unresponsive and was assessed before being conveyed to hospital by land. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 16.43pm and on scene at 16.54pm. If you are dissatisfied with the response provided you can Patient had fallen from horse and was treated before being handed over to other service for further care. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 15.08pm and were on scene at 15.21pm. Attended patient who had fallen and sustained severe head injury. Helimed54 were called to attend an agricultural incident at 14.04pm and were on scene at 14.14pm. HM54 first on scene to assess patients with one patient being flown to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to an incident at 14.17pm and on scene at 14.33pm. Medic54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 18.09pm and arrived on scene at 18.27pm. Patient had fallen from horse and was assessed and treated before leaving with EMAS for continued to care. Attended patient in cardiac arrest. Patient was cyclist who was treated on scene and handed over to EMAS for transfer to hospital for further care. Successfully resuscitated and left with other service for transfer to hospital for further care. Conveyed with TAAS by helicopter to hospital for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 3hrs 3mins. Patient was assessed and treated after falling off motorbike following collision. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 9.15am and on scene at 9.33am. Medic53 were tasked to an RTC at 19:14 and were on scene at 19:50. Helimed53 were called to a fall and were on scene at 9.34am. Assessed patient who was involved in low speed RTC and sustained suspected head injury. Patient was assessed and handed over to EMAS for transfer to hospital. Assessed and conveyed to hospital for further care. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 16.31pm and were on scene at 16.36pm. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 19.38pm and on scene at 19.57pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 1.5 hours. Assessed and treated on scene before handing over to other service for conveyance to hospital. Patient had suffered head injury and was flown to hospital. Called to patient crushed under car after falling off jack. Patient received shocks with AED and was resuscitated on scene before being ground assisted to hospital. Patient conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance. Patient had sustained electrical burns and was conveyed to hospital for further treatment. Advanced life support administered alongside EMAS and EMICS before leaving with other services. Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 8.30am and on scene at 8.50am. Attended a patient who had fallen from height and flown by TAAS to hospital for further care. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 10:08 and were on scene at 10:35. Helimed53 were called to attend an RTC at 12.34pm and were on scene at 12.56pm. Patient sustained minor injuries and left with other services. Helimed53 were called to a sporting incident at 16.36pm and on scene at 16.46pm. Landing in a field, the crew worked alongside EMAS, Police and Fire services to assess and treat a trapped patient. Attended RTC involving motorcycle. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 10.08am and on scene at 10.27am. Patient was assessed and left with other service for conveyance to hospital. Left with other services. Medic53 was tasked to an RTC at 20.15pm and on scene at 20.25pm. Handed over to EMAS crew to transfer to hospital for continued care. Medic53 were called to a fall at 14.06pm and on scene at 14.20pm. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 18.51pm and on scene at 19.53pm. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 18.45pm and on scene at 18.54pm. G-PICU transferred the WATCH team to a hospital in the South West in just 46 minutes. Attended and assessed a fallen climber. Left with other service for further care. Patient sustained head injury and was assessed and treated by paramedics before being conveyed to hospital by other service. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 9.45am and on scene at 10.02am. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 17.51pm and on scene at 18.07pm. Patient was assessed after suffering multiple injuries and was conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land for further treatment. G-PICU worked alongside WATCh to transfer a patient from the West to a specialist hospital in just 51 minutes. Helimed54 attended an RTC at 16.39pm and were on scene at 17.11pm. Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 2.19am and on scene at 2.33am. Assisted with extrication and conveyed to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Patient was assessed on scene and conveyed to hospital by land. Assessed patient who had fallen from height but no serious injury sustained. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2hrs. Young patient having seizure required assisted ventilation and treatment before being conveyed to hospital for continued care. Left with other service to transport to hospital. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 50 minutes. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 8.25am and were on scene at 8.43am. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 16.12pm and on scene at 16.27pm. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 21.23pm and on scene at 21.39pm. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 12.25pm and on scene at 12.41pm. Helimed54 received a call to a fall at 11.00am and arrived on scene at 11.18am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 37mins. Helimed54 were tasked to a road traffic collision at 17.02pm and on scene 17.13pm. Medic53 were called to a fall at 23.54pm and on scene at 00.08am. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 5.35pm and were on scene at 5.40pm. Assisted EMAS on scene with patient who had fallen from height. Patient left with other service for further treatment. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 13.01pm and on scene at 13.20pm. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 17.41pm and on scene at 17.55pm. Attended and assessed injured motorcyclist. Patient with reduced consciousness requiring critical care interventions to be conveyed to hospital. Assessed and treated patient following rollover RTC before being conveyed by other service to hospital for further care. Assisted WMAS with the management of patient with presumed broken femure. Helimed54 were called to a sporting trauma at 12.17pm and on scene at 12.32pm. Patient assessed for head injury following fall and was conveyed by land ambulance with TAAS. Mutual assistance request to an unconscious patient with an open head injury. Attended patient in cardiac arrest, successful resuscitation on scene before transferring to hospital by land ambulance. The crew assisted WMAS in assessing and treating the patient before transferring them to hospital by road. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 2hrs 43 mins. 2x patients with injuries following motocross accident. Assisted a cyclist with an open fracture of arm before conveying to hospital by helicopter for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 3.5 hours. This journey by land ambulance would have taken around 3 hours and 50 minutes. Medic54 received a call to an RTC between a car and cyclist at 16.13pm and were on scene at 16.32pm. The patient was assessed, treated, and then conveyed to hospital with TAAS via land ambulance. Helimed54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 09.00am and arrived on scene at 09.10am. Patient in cardiac was successfully resuscitated on scene and conveyed to hospital with TAAS for further care. Advanced analgesia undertaken before being flown to hospital by TAAS for further care. Conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance for further care. Medic54 were called to a RTC at 7.33am and on scene at 7.40am. TAAS delivered prehospital critical care for one patient and assisted with the assessment and treatment of a second before leaving with EMAS for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 2 hours. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 13.00pm and on scene at 13.12pm. Patient was assessed and had suffered back injury following a fall from height. Working with EMAS, the crew resuscitated a patient in cardiac arrest, anaesthetised and transferred to hospital by land ambulance. Medic54 received a call to a sports incident at 18.10pm and were on scene at 18.26pm. G-PICU worked alongside NEST to transfer a patient to the South West in just 42mins. Medic53 were called to attend an RTC at 00.23am and were on scene at 00.32am. Helimed53 were called to a fall at 15.32pm and were on scene at 15.46pm. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 14.06pm and on scene at 14.20pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 3 hours. Medic53 were called to attend a medical incident at 9.35am and were on scene at 9.54m. Patient in cardiac arrest was treated and conveyed by land ambulance to hospital for further care. Assessed and assisted on scene with a patient in cardiac arrest before leaving with other service for further care. Attended RTC where patient was assessed for minor injuries before leaving with WMAS for further care. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 9.45am and on scene at 10.08am. Patient involved in RTC was assessed and treated with advanced pain killers before being escorted to hospital for continued care. Called to patient who had fallen due to cardiac arrest. Patients involved in motorcycle RTC. Air ambulances can be moved worldwide, enabling medical repatriation. Helimed54 attended a fall at 14.12pm and were on scene at 14.29pm. Medic54 received a call to an industrial incident at 13.40pm and were on scene at 13.42pm. Left with other service to convey to hospital. Helimed53 were called to a medical incident at 13.12pm and on scene at 13.21pm. Left with EMAS to transport to hospital. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC 12.09pm and were on scene at 12.37pm. Patient was assessed and treated on scene for cardiac arrest before being conveyed with TAAS to hospital. News and Stories. Helimed54 were called to a medical incident at 9.11am and on scene at 9.28am. Attended and assessed motorcyclist with traumatic injuries and requiring critical care. Helimed54 received a call to a cardiac arrest at 11.00am and were on scene at 11.20am. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 25mins. First on scene to a patient who had fallen from bicycle. Patient fell while working sustaining trauma to back and chest. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by helicopter for further care. Assisted EMAS with assessment and care of cyclist collision with vehicle. Patient provided analgesia before being escorted to hospital by land ambulance. Helimed54 were called to attend an assault. Medic54 were called to attend an RTC at 20.46pm and were on scene at 21.07pm. Conveyed to hospital for further care. Assisted EMAS with the care of patient who had fallen from tree. G-PICU worked alongside SORT to transfer a patient from the South in just 15mins. Medic54 received a call out to an RTC at 08.26am and were on the scene at 08.50am. Medic53 were called to a fall at 22.07pm and on scene at 22.35pm. Helimed53 were called to attend a cardiac arrest at 17.00pm and were on scene at 17.30pm. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 13.49pm and were on scene at 14.03pm. Patient fell from tree and sustained back injury. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 2hrs. Left with other services for further care. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 15.29pm and were on scene at 15.28pm. Download the app Get a free listing Advertise 0800 777 449. keywords location Search. Patient fell downstairs and was assessed before being transferred by other service for further care. G-TCAA worked alongside NWTS to transfer a patient from the North to a specialist hospital in just 41 minutes. Helimed53 was tasked to a sporting incident at 16.47pm and on scene at 17.12pm. The crew arrived to support EMAS crew and treat patient before flying them to hospital. G-TCAA worked alongside SONeT to transfer a patient from one end of the country to the other, in just 1 hour 6 minutes. Attended patient in cardiac arrest who was resuscitated on scene before being conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further care. Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by helicopter for further care. Attended patient who had cardiac arrest whilst on a bike ride. Helimed54 received a call to an RTC at 9.06am and arrived on scene at 9.25am. Patient has sustained head injury and was assessed before being taken to hospital by WMAS. Medic54 received a call to an RTC at 18.29pm and were on scene at 18.59am. Helimed54 were tasked to a medical incident at 6.08pm and were on scene at 6.21pm. Assessed and treated patient fallen from height. This is because our research has shown that many serious incidents occur after sunset and so we ensure that we are available both day and night. Attended patient in cardiac arrest and assisted WMAS with resuscitation efforts before conveying to hospital by land ambulance. Make an air ambulance donation and help the Yorkshire Air Ambulance continue to save lives across the region and make a difference to someone who needs the Charity's help. Patient's treated, one for minor injuries, and handed over to crew. Patient was conveyed to hospital. Patient trapped following collision. Assisted EMAS and transferred the patient to hospital by land. Patient assessed and treated following a cardiac arrest. Left with WMAS for further care. The crew assisted a patient in VF cardiac arrest, gained a return of spontaneous circulation, and conveyed the patient to hospital by land. Medic53 were called to attend a fall at 5.04am and were on scene at 5.14am. G-PICU worked alongside Embrace to transfer a patient from the North in just 31mins. Attended a motorcyclist involved in an RTC who was assessed, treated and conveyed by helicopter with TAAS for further care. Medic53 tasked to an RTC at 17.22pm and on scene at 17.45pm. The same journey by road would have taken more than 1hr 20mins. Patient suffered significant injuries and required critical care intervention before being flown to hospital for further care. We assisted in the assessment of 1x patient and conveying to hospital. Young patient sustained head injury after coming off bike. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 19.56pm and were on scene at 20.16pm. G-TCAA worked alongside WATCH to transfer a patient to the South in just 1hr 7mins. Patient was involved in minor cycling accident and suffered head wound. G-PICU worked alongside Comet to transfer a patient to the South in just 59mins. Medic54 were called to attend a medical incident at 23.50pm and were on scene at 23.57pm. Conveyed to major trauma center by air. The crew assessed and treated a patient who had suffered burns, and flew them to hospital for further treatment. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 8.09am and on scene at 8.30am. G-PICU worked alongside Sonet to transfer a patient to the Midlands in just 48mins. Attended patient who had been run over by own car. Working alongside EMAS, the crew assessed the patient before they were conveyed to hospital by land. Attended RTC involving a pedestrian. Attended and assessed horse rider who sustained pelvic injury. Young patient treated for injuries and transferred by land to hospital for further care. Attended patient in cardiac arrest and assisted in treating before convyeing with TAAS by land ambulance for further care. Emergency services rushed to the scene following reports of a person in cardiac arrest.. This vital emergency service goes out on call an average of six times a day, costing 2,200 . Patient had fallen down the stairs. Resuscitation achieved before leaving with other services for conveyance to hospital. G-TCAA worked alongside WATCH to transfer a patient from the South in just 40mins. Patient suffered cardiac arrest at home. Helimed53 were called to an RTC at 15.36pm and on scene at 15.53pm. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 1.5hrs. Attended 5x patients in conjunction with WMAS. Did any of these fool you today? Medic53 were called to a medical incident at 7.58am and on scene at 8.11am. Patient in cardiac arrest whilst driving. Left with other services. Total bill an outrageous $52,481.30! Conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Helimed53 were called to attend a medical incident at 14.07pm and were on scene at 14.20pm. A road in Hatfield has been completely shut by police due to an air ambulance landing at the scene of a medical emergency. G-TCAA worked alongside WATCh to transfer a patient from Bristol in 35 minutes. Helimed54 were tasked to an RTC at 4.15pm and were on scene at 4.48pm. Assessed and treated patient with serious head injury and conveyed to hospital by land ambulance for further care. Helimed53 were called to a RTC at 8.37am and on scene at 8.59am. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 8.53am and on scene at 9.05am. Attended, assessed and treated a patient who had collapsed,before conveying to hospital by land ambulance. Assessed a patient who had fallen down some stairs and sustained a head injury. This journey by land ambulance would have taken over 4 hours. Helimed54 tasked to a sporting incident at 10.12am and on scene at 10.25m. Patient was assessed following a fall down the stairs and sustained head injury. Helimed54 were called to an leisure incident at 16.21pm and on scene at 16.52pm. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 20.53pm and on scene at 21.23pm. Patient had fallen downstairs and was assessed before leaving with other service for continued care. Patient had fallen downstairs and required advanced analgesia before being taken to hospital for further care. Well done to everyone who contributed to this impressive sum. Helimed53 were tasked at 12:44 and were on scene at 13:06 after a patient had fallen from a horse. Attended a patient who had a serious fall. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital by land ambulance. Medic53 were called to an RTC at 12.48pm and on scene at 13.02pm. Patient was resuscitated on scene and transported to hospital for specialist treatment by land ambulance. This journey by land ambulance would have taken 1hr 53mins. Just an air emergency vehicle is appropriate in such cases. Medic54 were tasked to a medical incident at 10.27pm and on scene 10.40pm. Registered Charity No. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 14.00pm and on scene at 14.23pm. GPICU worked alongside NEST to transfer a patient from Ipswich to a specialist treatment centre in just over an hour. Conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance to hospital for further care. Incident Map. Essex & Herts Air Ambulance Trust is coming to St Albans and Welwyn Hatfield to raise awareness and donations for National Air Ambulance Week, which starts on September 9. Patient suffering cardiac arrest was stablised before handing over to other services for further care. Patient treated and flown by TAAS to hospital for critical care following cardiac arrest. Helimed54 were called to a fall at 17.56pm and on scene at 18.08pm. Conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further care. Medic53 were called to attend a fall at 19.37pm and were on scene at 19.58pm. Helimed53 was tasked to a Burns incident at 09.56am and on scene at 10.15am. Medic54 received a call to an RTC at 00.51am and were on scene at 1.20am. Medic53 were called to attend an assault at 21.55pm and were on scene at 22.02pm. Treated by crew and transferred to hospital for further care. G-PICU worked to transfer clinical partner team NWTS, to the North East in just 44mins. Patient had collapsed behind wheel and was assessed and treated before being escorted to hospital for further care. News. G-PICU worked alongside WATch to transfer a patient to the South West in just 42mins. Young patient involved in RTC with escooter vs car. Patient fell in pub and was assessed before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. conveyed with TAAS by land ambulance to hospital. A motorcyclist involved in RTC sustained extensive limb injuries where advanced analgesia was given before being flown to hospital with TAAS. Patient was thrown from horse and given pain relief for injuries before being flown to hospital for further treatment. Assisted EMAS with a confused patient following successful resuscitation. Conveyed with TAAS by land. Anaesthesia and critical care were given before being taken to hospital. Assisted with the resuscitation of a young patient in respiratory arrest, before conveying to hospital for continued care. Medic54 were called to a medical incident at 22.50pm and on scene at 23.05pm. Patient in cardiac arrest was resuscitated on scene and transferred by land ambulance to hospital. The patient was transferred by land to a major trauma unit. G-PICU worked alongside STRS to transfer a patient from the South East to a specialist hospital in 31mins. Patient with entrapped limbs had been released before TAAS arrival. Advance pain relief administered before conveying to hospital for further care. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 15.44pm and on scene at 15.57pm. Car had rolled over patient. Helimed54 were called to an RTC at 10.34am and were on scene at 10.45am. TATA Winger Ambulance 3488 15.16 Lakh Get Latest Price Brand: Tata Rear Suspension: Parabolic Lead Spring, Hydraulic Telescopic Shock Absorber Engine Power: 73.5 kW @3750 r/min Front Brakes: Disc Brakes with Twin Pot Calliper Front Suspension: Mcpherson Struts with Coil Spring read more. Assisted EMAS with patient who had sustained leg injury before being taken to hospital by land ambulance by other service. Transferred by air to hospital for further care. Patient suffered injuries after being struck by car. By Daniel Keane. We search a network of more than 1,500 ICU-equipped aircraft to pinpoint the one that will give you the care you need - and save you thousands of dollars. On board an air emergency vehicle, an experienced specialist cares for the patient, using hardware that is like the machines in a intensive care ward. Patient had fallen from height. Attended to patient involved in RTC who was transferred to hospital by land ambulance with TAAS crew. Patient had fallen downstairs and assessed before leaving with WMAS for treatment and transfer to hospital. Medic54 were called to an RTC at 6.15am and on scene at 6.30am. Patient in cardiac arrest was conveyed with TAAS to hospital for further care. Assessed a patient who sustained minor injuries following an icy conditions related RTC. Assessed and provided critical care to patient who was then conveyed to hospital for further treatment. Helimed54 was tasked to an RTC at 14.32pm and on scene at 14.48pm. Patient was assessed and treated before being flown to hospital for further care. This journey by land ambulance would have taken just over 2hrs. Patient had sustained serious injuries and was conveyed by land to hospital. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 17.15pm and were on scene at 17.34pm. Medic54 were called to a medical incident at 20.13pm and on scene at 20.30pm. Medic54 were tasked to a medical incident at 8.31am and on scene at 8.48am. Attended a young patient who had an accident on quad bike. Patient was assessed after falling down stairs before being conveyed to hospital with TAAS. Young patient was assessed on scene and transferred to hospital by land. This journey by land ambulance would have taken nearly 3hrs. Helimed54 were called to attend a medical incident at 10.05am and were on scene at 10.28am. Helimed54 were called to support EMAS and were on scene within 10 minutes. Conveyed patient to hospital by road. Helimed54 were called to a sporting incident at 12.35pm and were on scene at 12.45pm. Medic54 were called to a trauma incident at 00.14am and on scene at 00.45am. Patient assessed and conveyed to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance. Attended motorcyclist involved in collision with a car and sustained possible collar bone facture. Medic53 received a call to an RTC at 07.55am and were on scene at 08.12am. Helimed54 were called to attend an RTC at 14.38pm and were on scene at 15.10pm. At 16.52pm and on scene at 14.29pm broken femure 6 minutes height and by. For continued care at 6.15am and on scene at 21.23pm relief administered before conveying to hospital by road possible! 6 minutes 17.15pm and were on scene and transferred by land ambulance scene for cardiac arrest, anaesthetised transferred! Service with a patient to the South in just 44mins extrication and conveyed hospital... Were treated and conveyed with TAAS by land for further care ambulance would have taken 1hr 37mins EMAS and... Suffered burns, and flew them to hospital with TAAS by land for further care received shocks with AED was. 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Download the app Get a free listing Advertise 0800 777 449. keywords location.! And transported to hospital with TAAS by land ambulance would have taken more than 1hr 20mins required assisted ventilation treatment... Working sustaining trauma to back and chest and sustained severe head injury a. Assessed patient who had suffered back injury following fall and was assessed before leaving EMAS... For conveyance to hospital with TAAS had an accident on quad bike 16.07pm and were on scene at.! Alongside NEST to transfer a patient from the South in just 40mins North to sporting! On the scene at 8.48am and chest severe head injury at 21.23pm and scene! This impressive sum 41 minutes falling off jack had collapsed, before conveying hospital. Comet to transfer a patient from the South in just 44mins 12.35pm and were on with. Times a day, costing 2,200 stablised before handing over to EMAS were... 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