1843 letter about Benjamin Winchester

Last Thursday, Feb 16, the Joseph Smith Papers released new content, including documents from January through March 1843.

Those who have read my books The Lost City of Zarahemla and Brought to Light will be interested to see the full letter from Peter Hess to Hyrum Smith, Joseph, and the Twelve regarding Benjamin Winchester. Here’s an excerpt from the postscript on page 4:

“Brother Joseph i would here mention that Elder Winchester Prophecied before Elder Adams that the church would go down and you Know when a man phopecies [sic] in his own name he will use every means to see it accomplishd [sic].”

Here is a link to the letter http://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/letter-from-peter-hess-16-february-1843/1

Source: Book of Mormon Wars