From time to time we like to look at examples of bias confirmation. By now, it is obvious to readers here that people can confirm pretty much any bias they have. They usually frame it as “following the evidence” and they usually believe that’s the case.
Of course, any two people can look at exactly the same evidence and reach contradictory conclusions. That’s why it’s more important to understand the bias people are confirming than to debate the merits of the evidence.
This example involves the “mighty nation” mentioned in 1 Nephi 22:7.
7 And it meaneth that the time cometh that after all the house of Israel have been scattered and confounded, that the Lord God will raise up a mighty nation among the Gentiles, yea, even upon the face of this land; and by them shall our seed be scattered. (1 Nephi 22:7)
During those 300 years preceding the marvelous work of the restoration, no other nation came close to the level of influence Spain exercised in the Western Hemisphere.
Soon after this article was published, I was delighted that a friend, Bruce Webster, shared his 2013 blog post with me. He reached the same conclusion that 1 Nephi 22:7 refers to the Spanish Empire.
Bruce Webster’s post is here:
He also ignores the point that the mighty nation was to be raised up in the New World.
The US really didn’t become a “mighty nation” until the late 19th or early 20th Century. Spain, on the other hand, established a global empire pretty much coinciding with the discovery (by Spain) of North and South America at the end of the 15th Century, and it remained a mighty nation well into the 19th Century.
Spain conquered and claimed half of North America, all of Central America, and most of South America, in the process killing, enslaving, and scattering many of the native American inhabitants. The US, at the time of publication of the Book of Mormon, occupied less than half of its current extent and really hadn’t done much “scattering” of native Americans compared to what Spain had done for the previous 240 years.
I don’t know how to quantify who did more “scattering,” but even today, the tribes in the U.S. live largely on reservations far from their ancestral lands, while indigenous people in Latin America occupy their ancestral lands.
For that matter, much of the “scattering” of native Americans that happened in the eastern half of the United States happened under British rule (see “British Territory” on the map above), before the US was founded.
This would be a good point if it was true.
And, somewhat redundantly, the US never occupied Mesoamerica, which is where Book of Mormon events most likely occurred.
This is the bottom line for both Bruce and Kirk. And yet, Joseph Smith failed to take the Book of Mormon to Nephi’s descendants in Mesoamerica. Instead, he took it personally to the entirely distinct Native Americans he (and the Lord) called Lamanites, as explained in D&C 28, 30, 32, and elsewhere.
Some references to the United States as a “mighty nation” follow:
The Book of Mormon prophecies concerning the future of America have been referred to in our hearing during this conference, wherein it is stated that this nation, though it becomes a mighty nation, still it can stand in security here only as it serves the God of this land. That conception was in the hearts of the men who rounded America.
(1920s, 1928, October, 5th Session, Elder Melvin J. Ballard, ¶17 • CR)
(1920s, 1924, October, 4th Session, Elder Stephen L Richards, ¶10 • CR)
Here then a great and magnificent spectacle breaks in upon the view. A mighty nation rising in arms to recover her natural rights, and boldly [Page 9] braving the storm of regal ambition.
(18c: 1790s; 1796, N22677 / 2. AN ORATION, Paul Allen, Providence, July 5, 1796,8¶–9¶)
The battle of the European warriors is indeed with a confused noise. It is the bruit of a war, which originated, on the one hand, in the too sanguine hope of planting the tree of liberty in every clime, and is prosecuted, on the other, with an unwarrantable acrimony against a mighty nation, struggling to be free, if not in direct repugnance to the natural rights of mankind, and the laws of eternal justice. If, in this huge contest between the sentiments of equal liberty, and the unnatural systems of arbitary power, the latter should prevail, America, in tears, will behold the triumph.
(18c: 1790s; 1794, N20534 / 1. ON THE AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE, Harvard, July 4, 1794, William Emerson,33¶)
Of all the injuries done us, none ought to be so quickly resented, or so severely punished, [Page 23] as an injury done to our country. The interests of our country, not only comprise our own, but the interests of a growing and mighty nation; the man, therefore, who seeks to injure his country, is guilty of the blood of millions.
(18c: 1790s; 1798, N26355 / 1. AMERICAN LIBERTY, Discourse in Watertown on July 4th 1798, by Rev. Israel B. Woodward,37¶)
The retiring President retained the full health and strength, the vigor and activity of a strong body and sound mind, equal to the functions of his elevation, and fitted to relish the fascinating charms of his grandeur. But these were not the motives for his consenting to appear at the head of a mighty nation▪ When his country could spare his agency, no inducement remained with him to continue in her service, and he resolved once more, “to pass the remainder of his days in honorable repose, and place his glory beyond the reach of fortune.”
(18c: 1790s; 1800, N27614 / 1. A Discourse in Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1800 by Rev. Patrick Allison, &c.,21¶)
(18c: 1790s; 1800, N28804 / LUTHER RICHARDSON, JULY 4, 1800. 1. AN ORATION.,6¶)
Source: About Central America
2 thoughts on “A Mighty Nation – an example of bias confirmation”
It seems there are always some who desire a little recognition and fame enough to come up with follies that refute and dispute what the prophets have said since the beginning of the Restoration. Your tireless defense of the words of the prophets is appreciated!
D&C 28, 30, and 32 describes Oliver Cowdery’s Mission to the Lamanites! Oliver was joined by Peter Whitmer Jr., Ziba Peterson, and Parley P. Pratt. After teaching Lamanites in New York (Cattaraugus–Seneca Nation near Buffalo, NY), they taught the Wyandot in Ohio and interested settlers in the Kirtland area. Frederick G. Williams joined the group in Ohio. After crossing the western Missouri border, Oliver and Parley taught the Shawnee and the Delaware. Here is an amazing quote from the Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt on pages 58 and 59.
“Once the red men were many; they occupied the
country from sea to sea—from the rising to the setting
sun ; the whole land was theirs ; the Great Spirit gave it
to them, and no pale faces dwelt among them. But now
they are few in numbers ; their possessions are small, and
the pale faces are many.
” Thousands of moons ago, when the red men’s forefathers
dwelt in peace and possessed this whole land, the
Great Spirit talked with them, and revealed His law and
His will, and much knowledge to their wise men and
prophets. This they wrote in a Book ; together with their
history, and the things which should befall their children
in the latter days.
“This Book was written on plates of gold, and handed
down from father to son for many ages and generations.
“It was then that the people prospered, and were strong
and mighty ; they cultivated the earth ; built buildings and
cities, and abounded in all good things, as the pale faces
now do.
” But they became wicked : they killed one another and
shed much blood ; they killed their prophets and wise men,
and sought to destroy the Hook. The (heat Spirit became
angry, and would speak to them no more; they had no
more good and wise dreams ; no more visions ; no more
angels sent among them by the Great Spirit ; and the
Lord commanded Mormon and Moroni, their last wise men
and prophets, to hide the Book in the earth, that it might
be preserved in safety, and be found and made known in
the latter day to the pale faces who should possess the
land ; that they might again make it known to the red
man ; in order to restore them to the knowledge of the
will of the Great Spirit and to His favor. And if the red
man would then receive this Book and learn the things
written hi it, and do according thereunto, they should be
restored to all their rights and privileges ; should cease
to fight and kill one another ; should become one people;
cultivate the earth in peace, in common with the pale
faces, who were willing to believe and obey the same book,
and be good men and live in peace.
Then should the red men become great, and have plenty
to eat and good clothes to wear, and should be in favor
with the Great Spirit and be his children, while he would
be their Great Father, and talk with them, and raise up
prophets and wise and good men amongst them again,
who should teach them many things.
” This Book, which contained these things, was hid in
the earth by Moroni, in a hill called by him, Cumorah,
which hill is now in the State of New York, near the
village of Palmyra, in Ontario county.
“In that neighborhood there lived a young man named
Joseph Smith, who prayed to the Great Spirit much, in
order that he might know the truth ; and the Great Spirit
sent an angel to him, and told him where this Book was
hid by Moroni; and commanded him to go and get it.
He accordingly Went to the place, and dug in the earth,
and found the Book written on golden plates.
” But it was written in the language of the forefathers
of the red man ; therefore this young man, being a pale
face, could not understand it; but the angel told him and
showed him, and gave him knowledge of the language,
and how to interpret the Book. So he interpreted it into
the language of the pale faces, and wrote it on paper,
and caused it to be printed, and published thousands of
copies of it among them ; and then sent us to the red
men to bring some copies of it to them, and to tell them
this news. So we have now come from him, and here
is a copy of the Book, which we now present to our red
friend, the chief of the Delawares, and which we hope he
will cause to be read and known among his tribe; it will
do them good.”
You won’t hear this account in Saints Vol I because intellectuals and scholars (when they are learned, they think they are wise) have censored Cumorah (not found in Saints Vol I except on a map prior to Chapter 1). Saint’s calls it a mission to West. Did the Lord know where the Lamanites were living in 1830? Absolutely! The Gospel didn’t go to Guatemala until 1947!
2 Nephi 9:28-29
28 O that cunning aplan of the evil one! O the bvainness, and the frailties, and the cfoolishness of men! When they are dlearned they think they are ewise, and they fhearken not unto the gcounsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their hwisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.
29 But to be alearned is good if they bhearken unto the ccounsels of God.
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